Rebels S4EP13

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was hiding from the storm troopers as Ezra and Sabine distracts them. Ezra told me about the loth wolves and the stone. And the Jedi temple. He told me it was my duty to go.

Once I open the gate way stormtroopers we're coming my way and took Ezra and Sabine hostage I wanted to help them but they insisted and told me to go in.

Once I got in the place was strange as voices I didn't know where they're coming from but I heard millions of voices.

Then I heard a hoot I looked and saw a bird "hey, I've seen you before. Whenever Ahsoka was around, you were always close by. How did you get here?" The bird hoots at me "can you help me?" I asked it "I was sent her, but I'm not sure why"Then out of now where the portal started opening "what is it what are you showing me?" Then the picture reveal Ahsoka facing Vader when the time she told me to go. Once I left they fought. The bird squawks at me "what? What I do" once Ahsoka was about to finish him off by destroying the place I noticed Vader about to kill her but I pulled her to me. Once I got her out the portal closed and I looked at her as she was about to get up "Ahsoka?"

She turns to see me "y/n?" With out hesitation I ran up to her. He flinched and hugs back then let's go to take a better look at me "you look.. wait what happened? Where am I?" She asked looking around.

"You were fighting Vader." I explained I saw you in there. He was going to.. do I.. I grabbed you,and I pulled you out of there."

Then we heard the bird hoot "Moria? You're here?" the bird flys to Ahsoka.

"Mori?" I asked her in confusion.

"She's and old friend. I owe her my life, and now I owe you that as well. How did you get here?" She asked curiously.

"It's a long story"

We looked around and started walking "this place is ancient. Like a world between worlds" she tells me.

I noded "yeah Ezra said it feels like that dream where he met dume."

"The creature name dume... it appeared after Kanan died? That has to be more than a coincidence." She wasn't concerned.

"I know Caleb dume... a wolf named dume... what is it mean?" I asked.

"Perhaps kanans Will is still at work through the wolf." She answers.

"How could it be?"

"Well kanans part of the cosmic force now. There are ways those who have passed on my still guid or influence the living. It's not impossible"

I couldn't understand the whole thing " but if it was Kanan who told Ezra to send me here, then..."

"What is it?"

"I thought I was sent here to stop the empire, but then I found you, don't you see?"

She frown "you think that Kanan sent you to help me?"

"Not just you!" Then I heard a familiar voice from the clone wars it fives I know it "I can do it I can fives just like I saved you."


I kept hearing fives voice as I chased after the voice and and followed it and stoped to see three portals "one of these must lead to fives" after all these years I might have a chance to save fives.

"Y/n, think about what you're doing" Ahsoka said thinking I'm not sure.

"I'm over thousands of years old I know what I'm. Doing!" I exclaimed "here in this place I can change things. I can stop fives from dying."

"You don't know that." She said in worry.

I turned to face her "yes I do. If I can change your fate I can change his." Then the portal opens showing the time fives told us about palpatine and how he know what he plans to to and a group of clone troopers surround him. "I can reach him"

"Y/n," Ahsoka spoke "five gave his life knowing the truth, if he is taken out at this moment we would all die"

I didn't like what I was hearing from her "You don't understand what your asking me to do"

"Yes I do, you can't save your friends and I can't save mine. And if it wasn't for fives, during orders 66, me and rex would not be here today it's all in the past now. I'm asking you to let go." She was right fives the one who saved us that day he warned Rex and I about palpatine. I hated myself for his death and I swore that one day I would avenge his death. I watched as the troopers shoot fives in the heart as Younger me ran up to him and held him in my arms suddenly the portal blacks out. And I turned to walk away "I'm sorry y/nbut you must se. Fives found the moment when he needed most, and he did what he had to do for everyone"

"That's the lesson." I said realizing that my past haunted me I couldn't let go "I didn't see it, but now" I sighed "sometimes I wan my life were different. Like I wish that didn't lose people I cared about.Why can't thing like they were".

Then we heard rumbling from a distance "we can't stay here" Ahsoka tells me. "You opened the door to this world. Do you know how to close it?"

"Sabine will know. We can do it together. They'll be so happy to see you."

"I can't go with you" she tells me.

"Perhaps I can" we turned to a man in a cloak it was palpatine "y/n and Ahsoka tano mine at last" he crawled.

Then he buses his power to attack us but we both blocked it until we have to run away from him.

"Keep going! We can make it!" Ahsoka tells me while running."

"When you get back come and find me!"I tell her.

"I will I promise"

Then we both broke apart and we both went into different portals. I went back to where I was before.

"We have to get out of here" Sabine shouts

"No we have to seal the portal" I told them as we went to the ace I opened the portal "Sabine which one do I activate?"

"The sun." She answered.

As Zeb picks me up for me to climb as I used the force and then I blacked out

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