Clone wars S4EP8

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We saw some fighters coming toward us as they were spinning around knocking out and then they leave.

"We have got to move before the fighter come back" I told him.

"Rex, y/n , over here" I heard fives voices as we walked through and found until there was non left to fight.

"Y/n" I looked to see krell who's just standing there "you will need this" he throws me a lightsaber. "Don't break this one"

"Thanks"  I said as Rex and I followed.

Rex looks in the binoculars to find the base "there's a base there all right and it's heavily gauarded. At least three tank diversions, plus guns."

"We're advance on the central gorge and engage their forces in a full- forward assault" krell orders.

"The gorge is narrow sir" Rex tells him "we'll only be able to move our platoons in single squads. Perhaps a closer recon will tell us if there's a more secure route."

"Obiwan and the other battalions are holding off the enemy right now while they wait for us to take out this base. We don't have much time to look for a more secure route." He tells us as he leave.

We walked back to the others to tell them what's happening. "All right, listen up" Rex tells them as he takes off his helmet "we'll assemble the squads into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side."

"That casualties are going to be high" the troopers say in disbelief.

"Is krell trying to get us killed?" More troopers continued.

"You know,  I wasn't sure that krell a crazy before, but now I'm positive"

" we had to retreat from the capital because the general pushed a flawed strategy now this?" Fives asked.

"I do know could be fun."

"We'll I for one agree with the generals plan we're running out of time and this is the best option" dogma says

"No recon? No air support? We don't know what we're up against?" Jesse says I. Frustration "they have weapons we've never seen before."

"Guys" I shouted "a few of mine and general skywalkers plans seemed reckless too,but they worked"

"Yeah but usually yours and skywalker are usually leading your men  up in front, not bringing up the rear like general krell. " fives explains "a full- forward assault would leave us too exposed."

I sighed "Rex, five" I point at the place to talk to them with out the others men as they followed. "Fives it would help if you'd ease their minds."

"Oh, you mean coax them into following another one of kralls suicide mission? We lost a lot of men last time." Fives tells us in frustration of kralls doing.

"Krell my do things differently, but he is effective in getting them done.hes a reconciled war hero." Rex tells him.

Fives rolled his eyes "he may have had some victories,but have you seen his casualty numbers? More troopers have been killed under his command than anyone else."

Rex sighs "that's a price of war fives. We're soilders. We have a duty to follow orders,and if we must, lay down our lives for victory"

"do you believe that? Or is that what we're engineered to think?"

"I honour my code. That's what believe"

Later we looked around to see if any bumbarians are around, I looked at the binoculars do far nothing.

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