Clone wars S6EP4

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Rex and I gotten word from kix that fives wants to see us after being accused of murdering the chancellor We landed the shuttle somewhere where it shows fives location. We got out of the ship and searched to look for him.

"Well, these are the coordinates kix gave us, let's hope fives is inside."

Rex sighs "I just hope he knows what he's doing."

We got in a we are house to see the place is dark I turned on my lightsaber incase anybody tries to attack us. "Fives?" I shouted no answer "fives, were here. Come one five I'm not playing game."

"Y/n" I heard fives voice from a distance "thank you, thank you for thrusting me. Have you come with out troops?"

"We have" I shouted as Rex and I go back to back.

"Put down your weapons then" five doesn't sound like he trust us.

"Why should we?"

"Please, I'm unarmed"

I looked to Rex and nodded as I put my lightsaber down. "All right I'm putting my pistles down" Rex puts his pistles on a closed box.

"What are we here for fives?" I Asked him.

"I need your help."

"I know you do. We know your not well, it's been rough for you these past couple of days."

"I'm not crazy" he shouts "please, please just... just hear what I have to say." I sense that he's breathing heavily.

"We're here to help you five, just come with us. Let us take you back to the temple" I walked until a projector sheild surround Rex and I.

Then fives pops out of hiding "I just need you to listen to me. Please."

"Fives, do you have any idea what you done?"

"I was framed because I know the truth..." he says in a bit of panic "the truth about a plot, a massive deception."

"By whom?" Rex asked fives.

"Well there's a sinister plot in the works against the Jedi. I have proof of it. I can prove everything that I know is true beyond a shadow of a doubt!"

The proof could help us stop the war and hope the Jedi will win against the separatists "where's the evidence?" I aske him.

"The evidence is in here." Five points at his head "it's in all of us, every clone."

"What is it?" Rex asked him in concern.

"Organic chips built into our genetic codes to make us do whatever someone wants, even kill the Jedi it's all in here."

My eyes widened it's like what I saw in my dream when he mentioned kill the Jedi "fives, I think I know what you mean, I do I've seen it."

"What are you talking about?" Rex looks at me in confusion.

"The bad dream I had.... was actually a vision. I didn't want to believe it but now that five told us. It's real."

"I told you I'm not crazy" five says.

"What else do you know?" I asked fives.

"The chancellor, he in on it. I don't know what extent, but I know he's orchestrated much for this." I turns to face me "he told me in the medical bay!"

"He told you?"

"Yes! I swear to you Lyric. You have no idea—-" Fives couldn't as a bunch of soilders surrounded "get away from me!" Five grabs the pistles.


Then one of the soilder shot him. And fives struggled to breath as he collapsed on the floor.

"Fives... fives" Rex shouts

"Get this rat sheild down!" I ordered as they shot they Ray sheild down and I immediately kneeled beside five and Rex did too " fives..."

"Call for help we need a medic" Rex shouts.

Fives coughs "Rex...y/n..."

"Fives"' Rex says quietly.

"This... it's bigger then any of us, than anything I could have imagined." He grabs our hand in each of his "I never meant to..." he pulls us both and wispered " I only wanted to do my duty." He tells us

"Fives" I said trying not to cry.

"Brother" rex said

"Stay with me fives" I told him.

"The mission.. the nightmares... there... finally.. over." Then fives closed his eyes

"Fives..." I shook him "five don't do this to me, fives" that's when fives is dead.

"Oh no" Rex said as he hold me tight and I hugged him.

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