Mandalorian S2ep8

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I was sitting in the cell. Of course they put grogu in a different cell than me. I tried to figure out my way out of here as I could but I know the stormtroopers were guarding me.

But I realize there is a way. I put my hand out and feel the force coming in as the door cells open.

The storm troopers realized but bed they could react I grabbed them and punched them until they both were knocked out.

"Sorry girls gotta eat" I said as I picked up my lightsaber and ran down the hall and find grogu.

I ran and ran and ran as I spotted son giant dark trooper which are droids. I used my lightsaber to block their blasts and then slice them when I have a chance.

Then I ran and hid behind a wall to be sure nobody there. Then all the sudden someone grabs be from behaving as I struggled to get off their grasp.

"Always like to struggle don't you" a familiar voice said.

I stop and turn to see a familiar beskar armour. "Din!" I exclaimed as I no hugged him and he hugged back.

Then he lets go and grabs my shoulder "are you okay? Where the kid" he asks in worry.

"I'm fine and I was trying to find him" I replied.

He nod "go to the bridge I'll meet you there with grogu."

I touched his helmet "be careful" then I ran again.

I ran to the bridge to see familiar face "cara, bo" then I looked at a familiar face "fenic?!" I said in shock.

"Back from the dead" she said sarcastically. She does have a sense of humour.

"Where's mando?"cara asked

Before I could and the door behind me open revealing din holding a dark saber , grogu  in his arms and Gideon in cuffs.

"What happened?" Bo asked.

"He brought him in alive that's what happened." I said.

"And now the new republics gonna have to double the payment" cara adds.

"That's not what she's talking about." Giduion said "why don't you kill him now and take it?" He aske bo then looks at din "it's yours now."

"What is?" Din asked.

"The dark saber." He said "it belongs to you."

"Now it belongs to her" din said trying to give Ho the dark saber.

"She can't take it it must be won in battle. In order for her to wield the dark saber again, she would need to defeat you in combat."

"I yield it's yours" din said.

"Oh no" Gideon chuckled "that's not how it works. The dark saber doesn't have power the story does. Without that blade. She's a pretender to the throne."

"He's right" bo said.

"Come on just take it" din said to her.

Then we heard an alarm go off. "The Ray sheilds have been breached. We're being boarded." Fennec said.

"How many life forms?" Bo asked


"You're about to face off with the dark troopers with your hand full with one." Gideon said "let's see how you do against a platoon. You have an impressive fire team to protect you" he said looking at me but I think we all know after a valiant stand, everyone in this room will be dead...but me... the child.. and you.

Then everyone got ready to fight. I began to sense something. No someone coming. I chuckled "I wouldn't get your hopes up yet Gideon."Then and and alarm beeps we all turned to see an X-wing.

"Who is it" cara said.

"A Jedi" I spoke.

Bo looks at me "she's right"

Then moff Gideon was about to shoot but I kicked the gun away from him and grabbed him to make him look at me.

"This is for the Jedi you son of a bitch." I san then punched him in the face knocking him out.

Then we looked at the screen to see the Jedi fighting all the dark troopers until they're all dead.

Grogu looks at me as I picked him up then looked at din and nod. Then I walked to open the door to reveal a cloaked Jedi who puts away then took his hood off to reveal he had blond hair and blue eyes and Black clothes. Then he looks at me and grogu who was still in my arms.

"Luke" I said

"Are you a Jedi?" Din asked.

"I am" the Jedi replied. Then look at  grogu again "you are strong with the force. But talent without training is nothing. I would give my life to protect the child but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities."

I turned and walked towards din as he grabs my shoulder and looked at grogu "that's who you belong with." I told groguz. He's one of your kind. " I tried not to cry "i have a different path you belong there."

"We'll see you again. We promise" din said.

Grogucoos as I felt tears fall and he started wiping my tears.

Then Din started to do something. He puts his hand on his helmet and began to take it off to reveal his face. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

Grogu began to touch his face "all right pal" din said "it's time to go"

Then I turned to bring him back to the Jedi as grogu whines. He doesn't want to leave us but he has to. "Don't be afraid" I wispered "no matter where you are, no matter what happens. You'll always be my son." Then I gave him to luke. "You take good hare of him. He means a lot to us"

Luke  nod "May the force be with you."

"May the force be with you" I said.

Then he leaves with the child as din walks up to me as I leaned in and hugged din.

I will miss my son grogu.

After that we are back on the town I grew up in where I met din. Where everything began.

I was alone in my room looking in the mirror thinking about what's gonna happen next. With grogu gone and everything changed.

My thought stopped as I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

The door open to reveal din but without his helmet. It's hard getting used to him when you have known him for a long time and never seen his face.

"Hey" hey said.


He rubs the back of his head "look I know this is new to you seeing me like this but I thought it would be time to get out of my old ways and begin a new chapter for us."  Is he saying what I think he's saying. "I want to love you more than I ever have. But I worry that since I'm not wearing a helmet as much I don't know if you still think the same way."

He really is worried about many things.I smiled and stood up as I walked towards him as we were few inches close to each other.

"Din. It doesn't matter to me what you look like. With or without your helmet you're still my din. And I love you for that."

"I love you too" he said as he puts his hand on my face then leans In and pressed his lips on mine. Made me notice, we're kissing. This is my first kiss ever it was passionate. And full of love.

We have other thing to plan I think it's time to go to mandalore.

Love outranks everything (Star Wars fanfic book 1-2) Where stories live. Discover now