Rebels S1Ep3

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We were on the bridge talking about the destruction. Commander sago was on his hip due to our space base being destroyed And Ezra suggests that we find a base.

Hera spoke "the problem is, none of the potential bases we know of have the tactical advantage we need to protect what's left of our fleet."

"Or aid the nearby system's suffering from imperial oppression." Kanan adds.

"We can't help others if we can't help ourselves Kanan if only we had more allies."

"Y/nand I know someone who might be able to helps us." Ahsoka spoke "a great military commander with the vast knowledge of the outer rim. Who could assist us in finding the base, and his experienced leadership would make him a powerful ally" what she's saying made me realize that who she's talking about.

"How do we recruit this leader?" Sota asked.

"That's the problem we lost track of him a long time ago, and all my transmissions have gone unanswered."

"we don't know where he is we have to try." Ezra said

"Well," Ahsoka spoke "there is one option I've not yet attempted"


Me and the ghost crew got in the ship as Ahsoka brought a tactical droid head.

"Is that's the head of and old tactical droid?" Kanan asked.

"These droids were great at finding things, calculating. Found y/n, my master and I a few times when we didn't want to be found."

"How in all the galaxy is that droid gonna find your friend?" Ezra asked in confusion.

"Well, I heard he was last seen in the swells system. You can start there" Ahsoka turns to leave.

"Your not coming with us?" I asked her.

" I have something else to attend to"

"The Sith Lord?" I assumed.

"There are so many questions that need answering " she looks to Kanan "and Kanan "if you find my friend you must trust him.Y/n understands why."

"If he's all the things you say we can't afford not to"

"Trust him" she repeated before the door closes.

Kanan looks at me "what was that about?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." I replied.

After we went to hyberdrive Kanan said that we had to take the phantom while Hera and chopper fix the repairs. Luckily we were at seelos we just need to find him.

Sabine got the head working as it starts scanning until it said the numbers'7567' those digits sound familiar but I Don where I remember them. We looked and saw some thing with four it looked like a republic tank used in the clone wars.

We landed behind the tank while it stopped I put on my cloak before I got out of the ship. And stood beside the crew as the doors open three men will armed I might admit and wearing clone armour. Could it be?

Zexb scoffs " It's just a bunch of old geezers."

"Well-armed old geezers." Sabine adds.

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