Mandalorian S2EP2

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We were on our speeder until someone caught us off hard as we fell out of the bikes and we started taking down those that tried to kill us but one who held the baby hostage.

"Wait!" I exclaimed "don't hurt the child. If you put one mark on him there's no place you will be able to hide from us."

"We can strike a bargain" din adds "there's a lot of value on this wreckage. Take your pick but leave the child."

Then the cabaret points at dins jet pack as din did and put it on the ground and he puts down the child and runs with the jet pack.

As for the baby moves his cute little legs and runs towards me and lifted his arm up for me to pick him up.

"You okay?" I asked the child as it coos. Then I looked at din as he used his controls for his jet pack as the scavenger falls and Dina jet pack flys.

Later we grabbed our stuff back to town where we found Paula playing a game as she looked at us.

"You finally found a mandatory and us killed him?" She asked.

"He wasn't mandolorian" din answered "we bought this armour off of him though."

"What'd that set you back?"

"Killed and krayt dragon for him." I answered.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"He was my last lead on finding other mandolorians" din explained.

"Well you might be in luck, dr mandible says he can connect you with someone who can help you if you cover to call his round it's what he said" she shrugged.

"What's the bet?" I asked.

"Five hundred"

"That's a high states game" I said surprised.

"Hey, he's on the hot streak" then all the sudden she won the bet and the doctor told us we'd be having son information at the hanger.

Later we started cooking the meat waiting for the information.

"Here's the deal" Paula said walking towards us. A mandolorian covert is close. It's on this sector, one system trailers"

"Are they the ones that left nevarro?" Din asked.

"Don't know. All I know is that the contact will lead you to them." She explained.

"How much will it cost?"

"Great news it's free. Aside from a finders fee, of course"

"What the not- great news?" I asked everything always needs a bad news.

"Nothing it's all great, however there is one small talk in the scud pie. The contact want a passage to the system and I vouch for them on my life..."


"And no hyberdrive"

"You want us to travel sunlight?!" I asked in confusion.

"It's one sector over" she exclaimed.

"Moving fast is the only thing keeping us safe" din said.

"These are mitigating circumstances"

"What do You mean 'mitigating'?" Then we looked and saw a frog lady with something on her back. "We're not taxi service"

" I hear you but I can vouch for her"

"What's her cargo" din asked.

Paula spoke in frog and translated what she said "it's her spawn. She need her eggs fertilized by then equinox or her line will end. If you jump into hyberspace they'll die she said her husband has settled on the estuary moon to trask in the system of the gas gian kol Iben."

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