Clone wars S7EP4

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We are trying to make a plan to destroy separatist ships so they don't steal any more plans. Taking from echo mind. Not again.

Master windu, obi wan, anakin, Rex, Jesse,and I attend a meeting to plan out what we should do with she ship.

Windu spoke "We have more than a. Dozen active battlefronts on anaxes, and we are losing nearly every one." Then he holograms a picture of the location of the ship in space "but if admiral trench can no longer anticipate our moves, we now have the opportunity to retake the planet."

"I can improve your chances" we turned to see echo the one who spoke walking towards us"

"Eh, excuse me, generals" Rex say he goes to echo. Luckily I have a good sense of hearing I can listen to them "echo I'm sorry, but I just don't think your ready for battle yet" I can tell rex is concerned due to echos conditions and what he's been through we all do.

Echo replies "I am not a liability Rex, I'm the best chance we have to take back anaxes" I know he wants to help. He knows what the separatists are planning next. I want to take that chance.

"Rex" I spoke "echo has helped us a lot, and if he has a plan I want to hear it"

"So do I" Windu says looking very interested on what echo has to say.

Rex moves out of the way and echo goes to the hologram and and plugging in to show us the hologram of the ships "while master Windu leads a team to retake the assembly complex the bad batch will escort me into trenches new comm vault, which, according to intel, is now located on this separatist dreadnought above anaxes. Once I'm plugged in, I can feed trench strategies, but this time, you'll know every move before he makes it."

"An you are certain that if we get you onboard that ship, that you can convince trench's army to do what you want?" Windu asked him curiously.

"Absolutely. Unfortunately, I've been doing this for a while, but this time I can help bring about a republic victory instead a defeat"

We all looked at each other and nodded to agreement to echos plan.

Everyone got on the ships I went on with the bad batch, echo, Rex and anakin to get echo to control the droids from trech as Master Windu and Master kenobi holds them off.

"Please tell me we are blowing something up" wrecker spoke. I know he like to blow something up.

"Sorry wrecker, this is strictly stealth." Anakin replied to him.

Wrecker groans in frustration "I hate that word.

"Echo, your up." I Told him putting my hand on his shoulder.

Echo goes up to the computers"don't worry. As soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship."

"What type of signal are you gonna send? Nothing that'll give us away right?" Asked hunter.

Echo plugs in "as far as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing"

"And the regs think we take risks"

"Sending the signal... now"

"Roger, Roger, shuttle TC- 159. You may approach and land"

I hear wrecker groan again "I'd still rather blow it up."

"I have a feeling you'll get your chance" tech tells him as he land on the ship to get inside.

We got in the ship all the way to the comm vault. Echo takes off his helmet and looks at techs direction.

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