Mandalorian S2Ep6

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We're heading to the planet Ahsoka told us about. Possibly a jedi would help grogu.

I'm still debating if I should be a Jedi or not. If I do become a Jedi would I give up on the thing I have a learn their way.

If I don't, would all my questions still be left unanswered about my past. Only time will tell.


I shook my thoughts and looked at din who said grogus real name which gave the kid attention. Then he did the trick whith grogu where he had to catch the ball. And grogu used the force to get it "dank Farris" then the child coos "no I'm not mad at you you did good I just..." din sighed "when the nice lad said you had training i just." He didn't say anything else I know he's gonna be sad if we let him go.

"He's special" I said chucking.

Din looks at me "You both are" he grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I didn't want this to end.

I took a deep breath and looked outside of space "once we they to Tython  we're gonna find a Jedi.Grogu And I will agree to go with them if they want us to. We're too powerful to stay"

Din nod as he lets go of my hand "I agreed to take grogu back to his kind to help him. Now I realize you need training too. Aztecha I want you to know no matter what happens, I'll be there for you if you need me."

Those words melted my heart to hear him say that. I can tell he would still love me even if we're far away.

We land on tython of course we jet packed our way there. When din landed we looked to see stones.  There was one stone in the middle that might be the one for us to contact the Jedi.

"I guess this is it" i spoke.

"Does this looke Jedi to you?" Din asked me. I shrugged and sat on the rock "I'll leave you to your doing he said walking away.

Then I Tories my best do for something then I crossed my legs and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see I'm in an unknown place.

I looked up to see a woman long brown hair and wearing brown robe around her. 

"Look at you all grown up" she said softly.

My eyes widened as I realized who it was "mother!" I said getting up. And grabbed her hand.

"I don't have much time. I must warn you danger is coming upon you. Must stop the empire before it's too late.

"Isn't the empire gone?" I asked

She shook her head "the Sith are gone, the empire had grown and they won't hesitate to kill each and every living beings who stand In their way."

"How can I stop them?"

"Trust the force, and it will always be with you my daughter. Let it guide you on path."

I nodded then looked back at her "was I meant to be a Jedi?" I asked her in concern.

"My opinion no, I believe you were meant to be more powerful than a Jedi, more than a Sith. I want you to have a bit of both. But if being a Jedi is what you choose to be I will respect that.Go now before they get you"

She pushed me as I wake up to  see something come out of the sky I went to take my lightsaber from it. But they took it away from me magnetically. And grabbed me and grogu.

"Din!" I shouted so he could hear me but no answer as they lifted me up.

They flew me to a ship so big I knew what it was.

It was imperial. I thought they were all destroyed how is ther still one?


They brought us on the ship grogu and I were separated and the stormtroopers dragged me to the bridge to bring me to the mans I know.

"Moff Gideon" I said sternly. "Surprised you found us" I said sarcastically.

"You have no idea how long it took." He replied as a stormtroopers gives him my lightsaber. As he turns it on "what an interesting lightsaber." He gives the lightsaber to the stormtroopers than takes out something from his pocket "ever seen one of theses?" He  he shows a lightsaber but different from anything I have seen but I know what it was.

"The dark saber" I answered "the weapon of the mandolorian."

"That's right. Or was" he chuckled. "Now it's mine for the taking. It would be so useful if I ever fought one of your kind with this. And now you're here before me. It will have to wait  you're my guess and a new douner to the doctors experiments along with the child"

I growled at him "you will not lay a hand on me or the child"

"We'll see about that. Take her to a cell and make sure she doesn't escape." Gideon orders his men as they drag me away.

Din where are you?

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