Tales of the jedi S1EP5

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Now tales of the Jedi

I was heading to see Anakin he wanted to help me practice my skills.

"You're right on time" he said.

"I thought I was late" I said planting after running.

"That's what I mean" he said as we walked to Rex "captain rex and the boys have agreed to help with the test."

"It's our privilege commander" res said.

"Let's get started. Make sure your blasters are set to stun" Anakin said as I went to the center. And the guys checked their guns before pointing. I took out my lightsaber and turned it on to get ready "you need to remain calm. Think feel the intention of the trooper who will fire first. You should be able to sense the moment before they even pull the trigger."

I nod as I get to position and the guys started to shoot which made me struggle a bit little did I know I was stunned.

When I slowly woke up I see Anakin and rex checking on me.

"Don't worry rex she'll wake up" Anakin said to Rex and he look to see me waking "that's it come on you'll get used to it. Wake up"

I groan as I sat up "how long was I out?" I asked.

"An hour"

"An hour?"

"Yeah jesse really tagged you" rex said looking at jesse.

"Sorry commander" jesse apologized from a distance.

Then I went on again making me struggle and get stunned even more with all the pressure.

"I don't know how much more she can take" rex said to Anakin in concern of my safety"

"She'll be fine" Anakin said to him as he walks up to me and puts his hand out to help me up and I took it "well your waking up faster"

I groan in frustration "this is ridiculous the droids aren't half as good AsRex's men"

"That's the point. Look I know this is tough but.." anakin sighed "I want it to be difficult this is about life and death and as your best friend, yoda may have not have taught you these but I want you to know how to protect yourself. And if you can hold off rex and the boys you'll be ready for anything on battlefield. Well at least anything with a blaster" he gives me my lighter as I kept on practicing.

It took me years to do this I woke up trying to get up to see Rex knelt dow to me "not bad it took us five minutes to knock you out that time" he hands me my lightsaber.

I took it "I can do better" I told him he nods as I practice more but this time with two lightsabers.And tit took me until order 66 when I was on a mission when the clones betrayed me when I had to get ready for what to expect."Let's hope all that training pays off"

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