Clone wars S3Ep18

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Anakin Obiwan and I had to attend a meeting with Master plo about Master Phiel was captured and has been sent to a deadly prod known as the citadel. We're also gonna be carbon- frozen my worst nightmare.

"As you're all aware, the citadel is their most isolated and impenetrable detention facility no one has ever escaped." Master plo says to us.

"There's a first for everything" anakin says sarcastically.

"Indeed there is" obi wan agrees.

"Their security has prevented our probes from obtaining recent reconnaissance, so we've been forced to construct a crude map based upon data from the archives." Master plo shows us the map.

"And since the data is extremely old, the map would be different to rely on." Obiwan explained

"So we're essentially going blind." I said crossing my arms.

"Beg your pardon, General, but how do we know Master piell is still galive?" Rex asked in the comms He couldn't attend the meeting, he's unfortunately busy with missions.

"The separatists won't dare kill master piell until they have what the need." Obiwan said.

"He obtained the coordinates of a secret hyperspace lane known as the nexus route, which travels into the heart of both the republic and separatist homeworlds." Master ploo adds

"They could prove vital in maneuvering our forces deep into remote separatist sectors." I said.

"Or the enemy could use them to slip through our defences and attack coruscant" anakin adds.

Then plo explains "These hyperspace lanes are immense interesting to both our side and could tip the scale of the war to whomever is in possession of them that is all."

Obi wan, anakin and i entered the landing bay as we walked up to R2. Oh and R2 reprogrammed three droids just to get in.

"R2 make sure they don't stray from the flight plain" anakin orders

"It's all under control sir" the droid saluted at us.

"I was talking to R2"

Then we started walking again as the troopers walked with us. Rex walks beside me and sighed "I've never been carbon-frozen before. Y/n"

"It's the first time for us too" I told him "blame anakin for this idea.". Then we all entered the carbon frozen we get ready to get freezed this is gonna be fun.

Once they unfrozen I got out feeling like I'm in pain. Then I noticed that there's the girl who looks like ahsoka.

"I must have carbon sickness because I could swear thats ahsoka" I pointed at her.

"Your eyes are fine. It's ahsokas hearin that needs help" anakin says to me not impressed with his student.

I walked up to to Cody and Rex "you guys good"

"We're fine sir"

I noded then walked up to echo and fives "how are you two?"

"We didn't die that's for sure."

"Keep it that way boys" I patted their armour and packed to go for a walk.

We got to the edges there's nothing we could do now. The only way I had to check was the binoculars. I looked to find the entry's point way up. "I see the entry point."

"You were right" Cody said "the wind conditions are too strong for jet packs"

"Yes, we'll have to do this the old fashion way, with ascension cables and a steel grip." Obi wan suggest.

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