Rogue one

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I walked round the base as I see my friend Cassian leaning on a wall with his arms crossed I walked up to him.

"I don't know what to do" he said looking at me. "After all I done I thought was right. I'm not sure what is anymore" he said.

I understand that someone believes there's hope left.

"Sometime hope is a powerful thing" I said "the questions is how do you use it." I put my hand on cassian shoulder "there is still hope for the future cass you must believe in it. Even if it means making all the sacrifices. Jyn needs you as much as you need her. Take it from a cyborg who's thousands of years old."

Cassian chuckled "should I go with her"

"If that's your choice my friend" I hugged him as he hugs back "do not let hope die"

Later on I have gotten word that a group called rogue one died in the planet that was destroyed I knew Cassian was there along with his friend Jyn.

I'll miss him he was an excellent fighter he will be missed.

Love outranks everything (Star Wars fanfic book 1-2) Where stories live. Discover now