Andor S1EP10

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Kino and I went to get changed as we get dressed to change to our sleeping uniform and I cant stop thinking about a way to escape.

"We need to go tomorrow" i said.

"Tomorrow?" King asked.

"You hears me"

"Go where?"

"Anywhere. It has to be tomorrow. We can't wait" I walked up to him "we'll have a better chance"

"You sound insane"

"No listen to me. They don't have enough gaurds and they know it. They're afraid"

"Afraid? Afraid of what?" Kino yelled .

"They just killed a hundred men to keep them quiet. What would you call that?"

"I'd call that power"

"Power? Power doesn't panic. Five thousand men are about to find out they're never leaving here alive. Don't you think that worries them upstairs. Whatever they're making her it's clearly something they need and they can't afford to be surprised again. There'll never be less gaurds than tomorrow you know that."

"On program" he said going into position.

"Everyday we wait they get stronger"

"It might be wise to have a plan"

"We have a plan" I shouted.

King turns to me "oh what you l and Brinok and melshi?"

"You don't have time to be stupid!"

"Come on!" He shouts grabbing me.

I got him of me "plan works around the new man coming down" I said "they'll replace ulaf tomorrow that might not happen again until it's too late id rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want. We won't have a better chance it has to be tomorrow" We got yo program before heading to the cell "new man Tomorrow" the guys were confused what's going on "tell them" I shouted at king but he didn't say anything.I went to my  cell  "A doctor came out and told us what happen down on"

"So it's they fried the whole bridge?" Taga asked.

"It's worse than that it's why. He said they made a mistake, and sent back a man who had just been released they fried two shifts to keep it quiet"

"You heard him say?" Jemboc asked.

The guys started to argue saying they don't believe.

"No one is getting out" kino shouts shutting everyone up. "It's true. The rumours are true he said it's true they're not letting us go. Ever.we're gonna die here or in the next place so let's get our heads back in the cell and start figuring this out"

"Okay" i wispered. Knowing the time to escape is tomorrow.

In the morning we get up as kino spoke "listen up we are don't counting shifts there is only then and now there is only one way it how you want but I'm gonna assume I'm already dead and take it from there there's no sense In Warning the night shift they'll hear about it one way or another soon enough let's mark it look good."

Then when we have the chance while we we're workin I went to to do my plan ready and began to destroy stuff as I get as we started getting out when the left is down. I began to climb up and fought gaurd to get to the center with king behind me.

We got to the center and got the guys to turn off the power and held hostages "all yours" I said to kino as he goes to the mic but didn't do anything "tell them what to do. It had to be you. You do this everyday"

Then kino made the shift and gave confidence to others. He's speech was amazing.

I walked up to him and put my hand of his "you did great no let's go"

We ran around until I bumped into someone "cassy"

"Y/n" cassian pulls me in for a hug and i hugged back "I'm glad your still alive"

"You two, this is king he made the speech" i introduced him to kino.

"Trey" I heard a familiar voice.

"Meshli" I shouted as he ran to us "we did it now whatever happens now we made it."The GuysRan as I stopped to see lion not moving "what's wrong?"

"I cant swim. You go on without me" kino said.

I shook my head "no, I'm not leaving you Kino until you come with me I'll teach you to swim but I need you to trust me. Please you did this for me now let me return the favour"

King nods as I put my hand out for him as he takes it as we both jumped in the water as I helped him swim to the far shore. As i notices the only ones that survived was me, Cassian, meshli and kino.

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