Rebels S2EP9

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Ezra and volunteered to help on a mission with commander sato. I went to the bridge to check on Ezra to see how he's doing.

The commander notice me "Master Jedi!"

"Commander" I replied "how's he doing"

"Since you both volunteered to help on this mission I suspect that you'd both be helpful. I know you'd be but we must hope it's true for him" commander sato made it sound like he has doubts for Ezra.

"Patience, commander" I told him "he'll have his chance" then all the sudden I began to sense something about to happen.

"Commander, we've lost hyberdrive control" the cadet said.

"Emergency position" sato orders.

"What's happening? Are we under attack?" Ezra asked looking at me in worry.

All the sudden the ship was pulled out of hyberspace almost making me tumble luckily Ezra caught me.

"Secure all stations and get me status report " commander order.

I looked out the window to see the something above us.

"It's a star destroyer" Ezra said.

"No, it's something else" I replied "send a distress signal." I ordered.

While they sent a distress signal the power shut down. That's not good.

We got arrested and Ezra, commander sato and I are taken to see their leaders at the moment.

"Don't worry, I'll get us out of this, Ive been captured many times" Ezra said with confidence.

You're not putting my mind at ease" the commander tells him.

"I have escaped a lot too"
"So have I, It's never easy to escape even for a Jedi, we mostly need help from other" I replied. While I continued walking.

Then the doors revealed an admiral he turns to face us "rebels. Out here searching your missing patrol, I assume"

"We are memebers of the corporate alliance. You have taken possession of my ship illegally, and I demand you release us." Sato tells him.

"You are in a position to demand nothing, commander sato." He says satisfied name "ah yes I am familiar with your activities in this sector, I suspected if we captured even one rebel ship others would race to the rescue. But I dared not hope we'd capture someone as significant as you." Then he look at Ezra and Myself "and what would both your names be?"

"Jabba the hutt and this is wot tumble " Ezra replies to him as I raised a brow at him in confusion.

"Indeed you are tad small for a hutt but I know someone who goes by the name jabba Ezra bridger" he glares at me "and y/n, one of the Jedi survivors from the clone wars its finally pleasure to meet you at last.

"The pleasure is mine" I replied sarcastically

"I imagine agent kallus will be quite pleased to hear you both have joined us. Secure them" he orders as he take us away.

They pull sato into a different cell as Ezra and I kept walking with some guards "pst" I heard Ezra making that soun I looked at him "I have an idea bear with me" he wispers as I nodded "hey, just so you know, we we escape from we won't hurt any of you."

"Yeah that's great kid. We feel real safe" the trooper said sarcastically.

"You shouldn't" I replied A's Ezra uses the force to turn on his lightsaber on making the stormtroopers panic.

Once we got out of our hand cuffs we put the stormtroopers in the cell Ezra gives me his lightsaber and a gun.

"Be sure to put it to stun" I ordered.

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