Mandalorian S2EP3

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We're finally heading home. Mando give them the kid while I go back to my jobless life as an engineer. I. Enjoyed the journey we had together. I didn't want it to end but I don't like the idea of them.

We heard the device beep, mando answers it the hologram showed a man that mando made a deal with.

"Mando. I received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, directly to the client. I have no idea if he want to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy safe passage you know where to find me"

Mando ends the call we looked at the kid trying to eat the little control balls. Mando grab the thing from it "it's not a toy" he said as he put it back in the bed.

Once were off the ship we walked to find the place. I think now is the best time to talk about it.

"Mando do you think it's a good idea" I asked him.

"I do what ever is nessasary" he tells me

"Oh like being paid for bringing the kid to them is nessasary"

"Now is not the time to talk about it" Mando says trying to avoid the conversation.

"There's plenty of time to talk" I shouted. Mando looks at me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I promise we'll discuss on this boy right now we are approaching the door." He says as he knocks as the droid asks for an ID.

The door open and two men and white armour comes out they're stormtroopers. I HATE stormtroopers. They looked at mando and I then at me as they let us in.

The stormtroopers in the front grams the ball so hard I got worried "easy with that" I told the stormtrooper.

"You take it easy" the stormtrooper told me think that I would interfere.

We entered the office two men were exited to see the child they scanned it I didn't like it.

They looked at us amused "your reputation was not unwarranted."

"How many fobs did you give out?" Mando asked that's what I was thinking too

"This asset was of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure it's delivery.... but to the winner go the spoils." He takes out a giant bucket as he opens it show's beskars a lot of them.

Mando goes to it as they take the kid away from us It cried as it leaves our sight. I'm very worried about the kid although I don't know what they are doing with it.

"What are your plans for it?" I Asked them trying not to get angry.

"How uncharacteristic of one of your reputation and your partner. You both have commission and payment." The old man tells us as the stormtroopers entered "Is it not the code of the guild that these events are now forgotten? The beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for your armour. Unfortunately, finding a mandolorian in these trying times is more difficult than finding the steel."

Mando gladly takes the beskar as we head out.
"I guess you want to talk about this don't you" mando tells me.

"You made a mistake. Taking that child away it doesn't know who's it's enemy is yet I know you mandolorian hide in the shadows because this is the way but some of that is bullshit you didn't even think about it for one minute." He didn't say a word as I continue " ever since we met that kid, I felt something I haven't felt before in years ."

"What is it"

" a bond. I haven't felt this ever since my friends.....It doesn't matter. Now that he's gone I'm just my old regular self." I leaned on a wall as I tried not to cry. Then out of nowhere I heard a cry and a scream and my chest started to hurt as I grunt in pain. Mando grabs my shoulders for support but I shook him off me. "I gotta get out of here I'm sorry mando" I walked a couple of steps and turned to face him "you know where to find me" he nods as I walked off home.
Hours since I started cooking myself something to eat man I was hungry before I head to bed.

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