Mandalorian S2ep4

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It's been a couple of hours since we left the planet. We're still  trying to get to ship to wrork for at least something.

I was trying to get the thing to work so far no success. The wires were very far away so I got the child to do it since it's very small.

Din and I tried to get the child to get the child to put some parts together but no success.

So we decided to have a break.

"There's no way we're making to Corvus in this shape." Din said as he tilts his helmet a bit not so much but a bit so he could drink.

Honestly it would have been nice to see what he actually looks like not we saw other mandolorian that actually take off his helmet.

I shook of the feeling and nod "I think we need to visit some friends for repairs. Nevarro andyone?"

We made it back to nevarro where cara and karga were waiting for us as we leave the ship.

"Looks like someone could use some repairs" karga said as he looks at she child happily and takes him from my arm and we started walking.

I looked round to see Eve is different "looks like you two have been busy" I complimented.

"I myself and this steeped in clerical work." Karga explains "marshal dune here is to be thanked for cleaning up the town.

"So how have you and buckethead been?" Karga asked me.

"Well, we are together so.." I shrugged.

She chuckled "I knew there was something going on. Between you two."

We continued to walk until we stop at the place that was the bounty Hunter bar.

"I'm surprised this place is still standing" din said.

"Wait til you see inside" cara said walking in.

Din and I walked in and saw kids in there and a droid teaching them something.

"A school?" I asked

"Things have changed a lot around here"

"We're gonna leave the little one here so we can talk business." Karga said about to put the kid down.

"Wait." Din tried to stop him. "Wherever aztecha and I go he goes" I could tell he's anxious to leave him.

"Mando please  where we're going you don't want to take the child trust me."  Karga replied butting him with other kids.

"He'll be fine here. You have my word" cara said to us as we leave the child.


We head to a place and we saw the blue fish looking dude apparently mando caught when he was still a bounty Hunter.

But it was time to talk business they needed our help after all.

Cara puts up the holocron of nevarro  "this is nevarro  we're here. This entire area is a green zone completely safe . But over on this side is the problem."

She shows us the red marked building "it's an old imperial base" karga said.

"It's where alll the troops canes from when we defeated moff Gideon" cara adds "this base has been here since the imperial expansion its got a skeleton crew but for some reason it hasn't been on abandoned"

"Whatever you both think I just want them off my planet" karga said " if we can take one last base nevarro would completely be safe"


We got to the base the only way to destroy it it when the base heats up  we tried to leave but stopped to see people  in tubes but they look like they barley exist.

"I thought you said this was a forwarded operating base" cara said looking at karga.

"I thought it was"

"No" I spoke "this isn't a military operation this is a lab. This is the same technology they used in the clone wars. The only questions is what are they trying we need to figure out was going one now."

The blue fish due looks at me in confusion "what about the reactor..."

"DO IT!" I ordered as he nod and puts on the hologram of the came guy from before.

"Replicated the results of the subsequent trials,  which also resulted in catstrophic failure. They were promising efforts for an entire fortnight,  but then the body rejected the blood. I highly doubt we'll find a donor with a higher M count though, I recommend we suspend all experimentations. I fear that the volunteer will mee the same regrettably fate. If we proceed the transfusion. Unfortunately we have exhausted our initial supply of blood. The child is small and I was only able harvest limited amount without killing him. If these expireiments are to continue as requested, we would again require access to the donor I will not disappoint again, moff Gideon."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing what they want to do "this must be an old transmission. Moff Gideon is dead" din said.

"No" the blue guy said "this recordings three days old"

"If moff Gideon's alive then..." I couldn't finish when more stormtroopers coming until we destroyed them. "We have to get the kid"

"Jet back you're faster that way we'll head to the speeder and meet you in town" cara said as din and I grabbed each other's hands and ran and shot our way outside to town.


I got to town to see the kids at playing with the child I smile it's really cute.

I walked up to the children and picked up the child. "Sorry play time is over for you" I said as we went to the ship and started flying as we saw imperial ships and destroyed them.

"Always liked to show off don't you?" I chuckled.

"You know it" din said "not too bad huh kid" he asked the child as it started to vomit on my lap.

"Oh boy" I said wiping the stuff of me and the baby.

"That was some pretty impressive flying" karga complimented on the comm "can I buy you both a drink later?"

"Sorry" din apologized "we have some onboard maintenance we gotta take care of then we gotta hit the road before Gideon catches wise"

"Good luck flying my friends"

We hung up and I wipes the kids face and looked at the candy "where'd you even get that?"

The baby just giggles and Eats it again. Now we're on our way to Corvus to see my friend Ahsoka tano.

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