Bad batch S2Ep4

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It was a boring day just omega, tech, wrecker and I staying in while hunter and echo were out for a bit to help Athena, Sky and Emily. I sat beside tech while he was doing something and omega and wrecker were playing a game when cid came.

"It's time to get to work I go another job for you" cid said.

"Hunter and echo aren't back from the other mission yet." Omega said.

"I would not call transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets a mission." Tech said "nor is it a proper use of our skill set"

"Yeah, we'll your skill set will come real useful on this one. You're gonna be my security crew."

"We will require a more detailed briefing than that." I shouted at her.

"No time the shuttle's waiting" cid said.

"Maybe it'll be fun" omega said.

"Works for me" wrecker agrees before they both walked away.

I looked to tech who was still beside me "do you think this is gonna go unexpected?" Tech asked.

I sighed "I don't even know what it is now but knowing cid. She gets into lots of trouble even when she didn't even try."

Later on we got to the planet where it looked crowded. We walked behind cid as her security for some reason.

"I am beginning to understand the need added security in a place like this" tech said.

"Safa toma can be a little rough around the edges if you don't know what you're doing but lucky for us I know my way around and if things get duct that's where you come in" cid explains. We looked to see racing going on.

I looked to omega who was amazed on what's happening "it's called riot racing" i said to her.

We watched at the racers shoot at each other.

"Did you see that?" Wrecker asked.

"It appears anything goes out there" tech said.

And cid point out a racer names tay-O she gets excited for him if he makes her a lot of money.

We go to meet tay-o who was getting out of his racing pod.

"Greetings boss lady" said ray-0 "did you enjoy the show? It's impressive wasn't it"

I looked at cid "your ringer is a droid?"

"Very unexpected of you" tech adds.

"I'm so sorry you have a problem with droids human?" Tay-o asked as he goes of thinking no one's better than him. And asking if we want a challenge him.

"I do not have enough info about this sport to determine that at this time" tech said.

"Then take a seat, spectacled spectator" tay-o said to tech as an insult.Wrecker chucked at the name.

"All right save it for the course"
Cid said.

"Exuse me I can't talk right now it's time i prepare for the next race which I'm gonna win." Tay-o said as we follow him as he goes to fox the pod.

"This is a 12 series speeder" tech spoke "they were not built for racing speed or durability"

"Which is why we modify them behold and be amazed. Impressive is it not? Even attracts charming people" Tay-o said leaning towards me as I pushed him away.

I leaned to tech "I'm like this close to shooting that droid in the head"

"That wouldn't be wise since he's useful to cid" tech said softly.

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