Book of boba fett S1Ep5

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Now on to book of boba fett

Din was doing something for a guy. I was waiting for him until he returns limping.

I walked up to him to see his wounded leg "what happened?" I asked.

"Long Story" he groans "but I'm fine"

"I would've helped you babe" I said tending his wound. As we walked as din looks around. "What is it?" I asked.

"Mandalorians are here"

We walked to where the mandolorians we see two the armourer and the guy who saved us from the guild. Paz vizsla who walked up to us.

"I didn't know if I would ever see you again" Paz said.

"Thank you for saving us on nevarro" I said to him. "I'm sorry for your sacrifice"

"There are three of us now."

"What weapon caused such a wound?" The armourer asked.

"This" din shows them the darksaber.

"All this talk of the empire and they lasted less than 30 years" she said "mandolorian have existed 10,000" she turns it on to reveal the dark saber "what do you know of this blade?"

"We we're told it is the darksaber" din said "whoever wields it can lead all of mandalore"

"If it is won by creed in battle it is said one warrior will defeat 20 and the multitudes will fall before it if however it is not won in combat and falls into the hands of the undeserving it will be a curse unto the nation. Mandalore will be laid to waste and the people scattered to the four winds."

"The hilt is a quality of beskar i have never seen before" I said.

"It was forced over 1,000 years ago by the mandalore tarre vizsla he was both mandolorian and Jedi"

"We have me Jedi" din said.

"And you have completed your quest" she asked.

"We have"

"Then you may join our covert as we rebuild.

Then we all said "this is the way"

The armourer was getting ready to make the spear into something "where did you com upon the beskar spear?" She asked.

"It was the gift of a Jedi" I said holding it "it can block a lightsaber "din used it to defeat moff Gideon"

"It can also pierce beskar armour armour it's mere existence puts mandalorians at risk mandalorian steel is meant for armour not weapons"

"The forge it into armour" din said walking beside me.

I gave her the darksaber "the darksaber is a more noble weapon for you to weild" she said to din.

I looked at din as I grabbed his hand as we both sat down.

"Have you ever heard of bo-katan kryze?" Din asked.

"Bo Katan is a cautionary tale she once laid claim to rule mandalore based purely on blood and the swordfish you now possess but it was gifted to her not won by creed bo-katan kryze was born of a mighty house but they lost sight of the way her rule ended in tragedy they lost their way and we lost our world had our sect not been cloistered on the moon of concordia we would not survived the great purge. Those born of mandalore strayed away from the path eventually the imperial interlopers destroyed all that we knew and loved in the night of a thousand tears only those that walked the way escaped the curse prophesied in the creed though our numbers were scattered to the winds are adherences to the way had preserved our legacy for the generation until we may someday return to our home world." She stops heating the spear "what shall I forge?"

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