Badbatch S1ep7

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We were attacked by a colony for taking their lizard creature thing cids buyer wanted it. So we got it and no suprise after brought it to her she paid us less and got all the credit. Yup she's still the bitch I know.

We heard gun shot we ran to see who was causing it. We noticed a cloaked man was ther as he puts his gun away.
Then the cloaked figure removed the hood from his head to reveal a familiar clone.

"Rex?" Echo said in shock.

I smiled I couldn't believe he's still alive walked up to him then out my arms around him and hugged him. He was surprised but rex hugged back.

"Glad to see you alive rex" I said letting him go.

"You too y/n" he said.

"Where have you been rex" echo asked him.

"That's a long story"
Later on rex was explaining to us what happened to him while drinking.

"And when the war ended I guess you could say I've been keeping a low profile" rex explained.

"Very low" tech said "imperial files listed you as killed in action"

"Being  dead  in the empires eyes has its advantages"  rex said.

"How'd you track us down?" I asked  asked.

"Trace and Rafa martez" he said right the sisters from the factory "they said a squad of rogue clones helped them on corellia. They told me I could find you here and that you were traveling with a kid. Who is she?" Rex asked looking at me.

"Omega." Hunter said "she's a clone like us"

"Well  look who it is" wrecker laughs entering the place "come her rex"wrecker grabs rex and hugs him.

"Yeah good to see you too wrecker."

"I thought you didn't like Regs" omega said in confusion.

"This one we like" wrecker said putting rex down.

"Omega, this is rex" I introduced the two to each other.

Rex knelt to her level "I've met many clones in my time but never one like you"

Omega walks closer to him "you're a generation one" she said.

"How'd you know that?"

"From the lines on your face"she said without hesitation.

I spat out my drink and started laughing "I'm... im sorry"

"Yeah I guess I've been around" rex said looking at the boys and I.

"You got that right" wrecker said as he hold his head "tech I need one of those med patches"

"You used the last one" tech said.

"What's wrong?" Rex asked standing up like he might know what's going on.

"Nothing it's just a headache" wrecker said.

"Which are becoming more frequent" echo said.

"Is that so?" Asked Rex.

"If your concerned about the co-called inhibitor chips don't be  our deviant nature appears to have impeded their functionality except in Crosshair" tech explained.

"You're telling me you haven't removed your chips?"

"No, not yet"

Rex been to reach for his pocket for his blaster.  "Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you even theses two " he looks to omegas and myself"you're all ticking time bombs"

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