Clone wars S5EP17

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Today anakin and I, were told that someone bombed the Jedi temple. And we're trying to find out who did it. We flew down to a plant, I wasn't suprised that there was spring following us so we do enter the planet.

Anakin had a bunch of droids in his ship so I got out of mine and killed them off. There wasting any much time so I got him out. I was gonna go back for R2 but he was already gone.

Well, not really now that I saw him flying towards us. I shook my head "very funny R2" I turned to anakin to see him sitting up "are you okay anakin?"

"Yeah" he said putting his hand on his head. "What'd I miss?"

"Oh, not much." I said sarcastically.

"Wait a minute wasn't I flying. Where's my fighter? How did I get here?" He asked me thes question.

I smirked "fighter crashed I saved the day your welcome."

He chuckes at me as he gets up and I contact someone in the comlink "captain Rex, anakin and I need a little help."

"Right away, sir."

Then anakins comlink opens up it shows a hologram "master Yoda" anakin said.

"Return to the Jedi temple, quickly you should, you and master wise."

"We're kind of busy master yoda" anakin tells him looking at me.

"The reason we need you, important it is, skywalker. Bombed the temple hanger, someone has." Yoda shows us a hologram of the temple partly destroyed. Why would anyone do that. "Your assistance to find the to find the terrorist, we need."

"Who couldn't successfully bomb the Jedi temple?" I asked in concern.

"We'll be right there Master" anakin hangs up. As we head our way.

Anakin and I head to the Jedi temple in concern why would anyone bombs it. We had to speak to the council to see what they know.

"How could the separatists infiltrate the temple?" Anakin asked.

"Worse that that it is"

"What could be worse, Master Yoda?" I asked.

The council looked at each other until Master windu spoke "everything is on the table. We have to look at the possibility that could have in the temple, even a Jedi."

"If a Jedi it is,gone to the dark side they have." Yoda said.

I couldn't believe my ears what Jedi would go to the dark side. "I... I can't believe a Jedi would attack a palace this sacred."

"We'd like for you two to lead the investigation. we can't trust anyone who was here, even a Jedi. You and y/n will provide an impartial point of view free of assumptions." Widu orders.

"We'll do everything we can" anakin tells them.

"Carful you must be, skywalker" Yoda warns us "if willing to destroy the temple the attacke is,to great lengths they will go to keep from being caught"

Anakin sighs "then I guess we'll have to go to even greater lengthsto catch him" I nodded in agreement. It's time to find out who's behind this.

We looked inside the Jedi temple to see that part of it was destroyed and most of the people dead.

I heard anakin sigh "I can still hear their screams."

I was really concerned if it was a Jedi who was responsible or not, I had a feeling but I'm not sure. "Do you believe what they said, anakin, that a Jedi would do this?"

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