Andor S1EP4

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I helped Cassian of his wounds as my uncle takes us somewhere where we could make money.

Luthen wants us to be working for a friend of mine and let's just say she's gonna hate the idea. According to my uncle.

I looked to see Cassian not comfortable with the situation.

"Casey, I know you don't like this but I assure you things will turn out fine once you get the hang of it"

Then I heard my uncle call for me as we see my friend vel she's the leader of the group of the a rebellion.

It was along journey to the camp. But when we got there there were others waiting for us.

"Gather up" vel orders "this is Clem and y/n. Haven't mentioned him before now because I wasn't sure we could get them here on time we've had a stroke of luck. They both been Abe to fight their way free they'll give us critical redundancy in all areas"

"It's a bit late for surprises" one man said my.

"That's a keen" she pointed at the man that spoke. "This is taramyn" she points at the tall guy. "Nemik" points at the youngest male. "And cinta" points at the other female.

"Good to have you Clem and y/nwe'll take all the help we can get" nemik said he's a nice chap.

"We'll work these two to the program at drill" vel said

I sat down with Cassian as we saw another person who was wearing imperial uniform.

"He's with us" cinta said

"Clem, y/n" vel calls us to meet the fake imperial guy "this is Lieutenant gorn. He's our contact with the garrison"

Gorn didn't look happy to see us I mean I don't blame him. Things do come and go unexpectedly.

Vel goes to tell us the plan on what we're gonna do.

Later on it was dark and we were camping taramyn walks up to us with a tablet "you know how to use this?" We both noded "that the robo frighten specs and the console layout. You get done with that, that's the detailed map of the garrison" he's been showing us the stuff we need to know and learn all that by morning.

This mission seems more difficult than I thought.

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