Clone wars S5ep20

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I woke up by being told I was going to court to speak to the council. I know I broke their trust and they're gonna expelled me for something I didn't do. I am innocent. All I wanted to find out is who framed me. I guess that's not gonna happen.

I was sitting shamly as I was prepared to see the council and anakin was pacing back and fourth.

"You're not helping." I told him I'm sadness.

Anakin groans "I'm sorry, y/n" anakin stops pacing and sits beside me "I just— I just don't know what to do."

"It's okay. I don't either"

The the Chime  calls us as we step in the middle as it logs us up. Now I face with the council. I know they're gonna be questioning me about stuff.

"Master y/l/n" Master Yoda spoke "serious charges been levied against you. How plead you?"

"Not guilty Master" I told him "I would never take the lives of innocents. The values of the Jedi are sacred to me." I explained to them.

"There is evidence to the contrary" master mundi said "you were alone with letra turmond when she died. Can you explain this?"

"Someone used the force against her." I answered

"Which brings us to Ventress." Master plo mentions her "can you explain your association with her?"

"We has a mutral understanding. I thought she was helping me."

"Did she help you acquire the nano droid weaponry found where you were apprehended,the same device used in the bombing of the temple?" Mace windu asked.

"No, I was set up and deceived, as you are being deceived now." I told them like they don't believe me. I never lie.

"The question is, Master wise who is deceiving us? Ventress, you or someone else?"

"I am not deceiving you." I shouted "I would assume Ventress is, but I can't be sure my sense is clouded"

"Clouded by the dark side the things are, Master y/l/n , dangerously clouded but not just surrounding you, surrounding many thing in these times" Master Yoda tells me.

"You've already made your decision, haven't you?" Anakin asked hot happy about this trial "this meeting is just a formality!"

Yoda sighed "reached a decision we have though not in total agreement are we"

"It is the council's opinion that Master Jedi y/n y/l/n has committed sedition against the republic," mace windu said "and this they will be expelled from the Jedi order" the result upset me I didn't deserve this. But in matters I do deserve it.

"YOU CANT DO THIS" anakin shouts trying to attack them be the guards stop him.

Master mundi speaks "Your master Jedi status will be stripped form you, and you shall forfeit all rank and privileges within the grand army of the republic. You will be turned over to the republic courts at await your trial. And what ever punishment they will set for you. Henceforth, you are barred from the Jedi order."

Ever sinc I've been expelled for false accusations. I Don't know what will come of me for what will happen. I heard the door open, I looked up to see anakin and padamé.

"Padamé agreed to represent you before the senate" anakin tells me.

"I will do everything I can to prove your innocence y/n" padamé tells me. I'm glad I know her and she and anakin are great friends.

I nodded "I am almost certain that the person behind this is Ventress, and you know I wasn't working with her." I looked at anakin "she was at the warehouse....  in the room we fought be she got away didn't any of the clones see anything?"

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