Clone wars S3EP2

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I was in the bridge we had and unknown message from greivous about the planet kamino a home to the clones.

"The clone planet of kamino will be a dangerous target." I hear ventress say

"Just make sure you hold up your half of the mission. We must stop the production of new clones if we are to win this war." Greivous says as the hologram finishes.

"Kamino" I said out loud.

"They're going to attack our home planet" Rex looks at me, anakin and obi wan. I can see the worry in his eyes. I'm worried for him and the clones at kamino.

"The separatists are taking quite the chance even considering this" Obiwan says rubbing his chin.

"With all due respect, General, if someone come to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster."

"I concur with captain Rex, sir" Cody said "this is personal to us clones"

"We'll make sure kamino is secure. Tell your troopers in the 501st they're going home." Anakin orders.

Once we got to kamino we got off the ship as we saw master shaak ti walking towards us "masters kenobi, skywalke and wise,welcome to kamino" she greets us.

"Greetings, generals, commander." The man greets use

"I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances."obi wan explains "we believe greivous is planning a separatist attack on kamino"

"But the republic blockade is far too strong. They would not dare"

Then the place started to shake. "I'll go learn a squad troop" anakin says as he runs.

"I'll go find the cadets and bring them to safely" I told them.

"Do you want us to come with you?"

"No rex, I'm fine" I ran off and jumped to everything. That's stands in my way. I continue to run until I got caught up with a group. I chuckled "I suppose you don't want to talk about this." They hot their weapons out and aimed at me "well, neither do I"  they fired at me but I blocked every move they make and I killed them all. And continued running.

I ran until a saw six cadet, and two clones that I know, Echo and fives. And there's another one of the clones that is a little different not a fighter of course. They're backing up from a big droid, I ran up to the droid and stabbed it as it collapsed and the boys looked at me with suprise face.

Echo and fives look shocked then smiled at me "commander y/n!"

"I don't believe it" fives ran up to me and gave me a suprise hug but it didn't matter I hugged him back.

Echo walks up to me "you came to help us!"

"Of course I did" I told him "it'll be wrong not to help my friends." I smiled at them.

"Y/n, this is 99, he's helped keep us alive." Fives points at the clone who was different and walking towards me.

I smiled and put my hand out for him to shake "nice to meet you soilder"

99 looks suprised for a second then Shaks my hand "you too commander"

I looked to the cadets and then the clones "we need a place to to hide from the droids until we need to figure out how we stop them."

"I know the way" 99 tells me as we followed him.

We found a safe spot for us to hide, the cadets were frightened on what's going on outside.

"What are we gonna do?" One of them asked

"A separatist victory mean death to all of us" 99 says "the cadet is right what are we gonna do"

"We fight" I heard a familiar voice as I turned and saw Cody and Rex taking off their helmets and looking at us.

"But our training is not finished" a cadet tells us.

"Look around" fives spoke "other than the commander were are one in the same. Same heart, same blood. Your training is in your blood. And my bloods boiling to fight"

"This is our home" echo adds "this is our war"

"What about weapons?" The other cadet asked. He's right they can't defend themselves without weapons.

" the armoury" 99 says "it's just a few corridors away, here in the barracks. I can retrieve all the firepower that we need. So who want to blast some droids? I looked to rex and Cody as they smirked.

99 lead Cody, Rex and I to the armoury he was right "everything we need  is here" he tells us.

"Excellent work,99." Rex says to him as we all grab weapons"

"Hurry hip the droids have almost reached the barracks." Cody tells us as we run to the hall. And the droids were shooting at us but us.

I used my lightsaber to stop them, since there was too many of them we had the cadets shooting them just to get me to safely as I ran beside Rex and Cody as they throw bombs at the droids.

99 gave Rex a  bomb last one "commander. Makes it count" Rex says as he gives it to Cody.

"I'll get more" 99 tells us as he leave.

"99, you can't" I shout at him in worry that he'll get hurts

"I'm a soilder like you said" then he turn as he gets shot"

"99 no!" Fives shouts as 99 gets shot again.

I breathed heavily and ran to 99 and kneeled down and gently lifted his head. He blinks slowly and looks at me. "I— I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry" I told him "you have been very brave soilder" I tried not to cry.

"I know I did" then he shuts his eyes. I want to hold my tears for him but I couldn't I held him tightly as I began to cry.

The others came and echo kneels to grab his brother and hold him. 99 was a true soilder.

Later Rex, Cody and I had to look at some reports before going to echo and fives again as they stood like soilders when they saw us.

"You both really stepped up in the heat of battle" Cody says to them.

"We did what we had to do sir" echo said.

"What any clone would have done." Fives adds.

Rex walks up to them " both of you showed valor out ther, real courage. Remind me of me actually."

"Echo fives." I said their names "you're both officially being made ARC troopers." They both looked suprised but happy at the same time."I don't believe the separatists will be coming back her any time soon. But if they do, kamino will be lucky to have clones like you defending it. Good job me." They all saluted in respect. We had many brave soilders today. And we'll always remember one we lost. That's what makes a soilder.

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