Mandalorian S2Ep3

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We Landon a planet to get the razor crest fixed. Well it wasn't a very good landing but the ship was too broken to land but we got out of there alive.

"That was a smooth landing" I said sarcastically.

Walking around the frog lady finally sees her husband the two look so happy to see each other. I half dons hand as he looks at me then we're looked at the kid who's whimpering meaning that he's hungry.

"I know that you're hungry" din said "we'll get you something to eat" then the husband walks towards us and grabs our hand and shakes it "you're welcome." Din continued "I was told you could lead me to others of my kind" the husband nods and pointed at the inn.

As we were walking din and I looked to see a cloaked being looking at us then suddenly disappeared.spooky but not surprising.


At the inn we sat down and said goodbye to the frogs and asked people who knew where other of dins kind was.

Now we're on a ship going to find other mandolorian din is up for the trip. But for me I got a bad feeling about this.

One sailer asked if we have a sea monster eat they open the chains and fed it fish.

"She must be hungry" he said "often times well feed her early in the morning but we we're going out of port" just then they put the child in the water and the monster eats it.

And din jumps in to save it but they closed the cage "what are you doing?" I shouted before taking out my lightsaber and pointed it at him "let him out" I ordered but just then they shocked me.

As I saw figurs land and fight them they were mandolorian as well. They fought them until they were done.

One helped me up and the other helps din.

"Help the child" din said.

"Don't worry brother we've got this" the female mandolorian said.

Then the other mandolorian grabbed the child and give him to us.

I held him and di wraps his arm around me I looked at them "thank you"

"I've been searching for more of our kind" din said.

"Well Luke's we found you first" she said.

"We've been quested to deliver this child I was hoping that" din didn't finish as they took off their helmets. I was so confused what's going on "where did you get that armour?" Din said getting up.

"This armour has been in my family for three generations" she answered.

"You do not cover your face." Din said "you are not mandolorian.

"He's one of them" the male mandolorian said.

"One of what?" I asked.

"Din" I said "She's bo KATAN of the clan kryze. I knew her during the clone wars"

"I was also born on mandalore and fought in the purges I am the last of my line and you are a child of the watch." She explained.

"Thee watch?" Din asked

"Children of the watch are a cult of religious zealots that broke away from mandolorian society their goal was to re-establish the ancient way."

"There is only one way the way of the mandalore." Din said before grabbing my waist and we fly from the ship.

Later we walked town at night. I was really thinking about other mandolorians.

"So, they can take off their helmets but you can't?" I asked him.

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