Obiwan kenobi S1Ep2

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Now for Obiwan kenobi

I was in a planet alone minding my own busses just doing stuff" Spare any credits?" Familiar voice said iturned to see an old clone veteran ther looking hungry. I missed the clones many of them were my friends "help an old veteran get a warm meal"

I  noded as I gave him the credits gives it to him along with food she gave him. I can't imagine it it was REX there I know it's not him but still.

Then all the sudden something beeped something wasn't right I looked to see pictures of someone I thought was dead but isn't.

"Obiwan!" I wispered.

I ran as Obiwan was attacked by someone and I punched them unconscious. Obiwan gets up and looks at me in shock.


I nodded "hi Obiwan. You got old"

He chuckled "had to happen sometimes" then he grabs me and hugs me and I hugged back "I'm glad you're still alive"

"You too"

"I'm LEIA" the girl introduced herself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Inquisitors I'll explain later but we have to get to a transport I know a place Let's go"

We got to the place we got to hopefully no one will find us here.

"Is it that hard to believe you still  have friends. We all been through a lot of somebody is offering to help I think we should take it now come on" LEIA said she does remind me of padame she was an amazing woman "what now?"

"Nothing you just remind us of someone" OBIWAN said "she was fearless too and stubborn"

"I'm not stubborn"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not"

"was your friend a Jedi too?" Jaylah asked.

"No she was a leader" I said "she died a long time ago"

"I'm sorry"

"Me too"

Then we heard someone coming I looked to see an inquisitor. Telling us she wants to take us to vader the Sith Lord.

"You didn't tell your Jedi friend about him he's alive Anakin skywalker is alive "

One she was distracted we got to the transport  im in shock on what I hear that Anakin is alive and turned to the dark side.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

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