Clone wars S3EP19

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We've been walking in the tunnels for a long. Master piell captain, what a jerk he is. He's lucky On two things, one he has the other half of the map. Two I'm a Jedi or id be killing him where he walks.

"R2 are you and your battle droids ready to go?" I asked himz r2 beeps THATS he's ready when we are "all right, get the ship fired up. We'll meet you at the pipeline exit after you've picked up Obiwan assuming he's still on schedule."

We made sure that no droid is following us where we go.

"I am beginning to admire the design of this fortress. It's rather formidable to evade." The captain asked.

Ashoka looks at me like that man is craz but I shrugged "how can you admire such a terrible place?" She asked.

"Ah, you reveal your short sightedness. This ordeal only demonstrates how effective facilities like the citadel are. Pity it ended up in the separatist hand and not ours"

Ashoka stopped and looked at each other in confusion "he has a point" anakin says as we looked at him in confusion "all right y/n, I need you to lead the group keep following the tunnel I'll catch up."

"Where are you going?" I Asked him.

"Obiwans not here, so someone has to protect our flank." Then anakin leaves us.

I walked until there was a dead end"Great!" I said to myself looking at the dead end.

Then out of nowhere, droids were shooting at us. I summoned my lightsaber to block the shots.

Them anakin came out and sliced them and more came "what happened? Why didn't you blow the wall?" He aske me "that part of the plan was your job."

"I thought it was a dead end" I told him as I put the bombs on the wall. As it blew up. And I threw the bomb at the droids which mad them blow.

Then we continue to walk for a line while until we saw a big pipe. "This pipe leads up to the top of the ridge where r2 will pick us up and get us out of here." Anakin finds a hatch then opens it a boy it stinks.

Ahsoka and i were climb up like the cool Jedi that don't climb normally. Then we walked over the pipe to find a way out.until we found a ladder there's out ticket.

"We found a way out." Ahsoka says.

I go up to the ladder, climbed it and opened the hatch to check if everything's clear. "All clear"

"Any sign of Obiwan and the shuttle?" Anakin asked me.

"No, I don't see him or R2 anywhere" I began to climb up and then droids we pointing their guns at me. I sighed in frustration and took out my lightsaber and killed them. I looked around and saw other droids coming. "We need to go now."I blocked from getting shot until everyone was out and we rand to find a place to hide. "Throw me a charge" I order. Rex threw me a charge as I threw it where the droids were as everything exploded.

"Let's go. Time for plan B" anakin tells us.

"There's a plan B?" The grumpy captain asked in confusion.

"There's always a backup plan. We'll meet R2 at Obiwans position."

We finally caught up with obi wan and his group as we were surrounded by droids.

"The ship is surrounded" ahsoka tells us looking at the ship.

"We need to launch a full forward assault and take that vessel" the grumpy captain suggested.

"We May have a bigger problem, those turrets. If we don't take them out, the will use them to destroy the shuttle.and prevent our escape." Obiwan explains.

"Which is precisely why we should get aboard that shuttle and use the weapon systems to decimate those droids."

"Whatever we're gonna do, we better do it fast" I point at the droids that are flying towards us." We got our lightsaber as we ran to find a safe place.

We got to a safe. I turned to five Ashe looks down in sadness I Nocticed echo wasn't around, then I realized that he's gone. I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Sorry about echo"

"It wasn't your fault, he would have done it for all of us." He tells me.

"Though he's gone, he will always be remembered" he nod at me as we walked with the others and find a shuttle. That could take us home.

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