Acolyte s1 Ep5

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I got up and looked around and I saw osha being chased by a ligsaber I ran up and stoped it as the person in the helmet got it back as SOL and yord came

"civilian to the ship" I said as they take her leaving me alone with the helmeted figure.

"Master y/n" he said my name.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You... don't remember me?" He asked.

"I sense something familiar" I said. Then he starts to attack me as i blocked his moves. "You carry a Jedi weapon. But you are no Jedi." We continued fighting when I back a distance from him "you trained Mae.
Show your face."

"And let you read my thoughts? No."

"What master hides his face from his pupil?" I asked.
He looks at me "you tell me."

We continue fighting when all the sudden he disappeared "where did he go?" I started running when I saw him trying to kill Mae when I stopped him.Jecki came and fought him with me she got too close and he stabbed her with her ligsabers "no!" I shouted. Then she feel and I looked to see it was that guys who helped Mae on the planet that killed torbin. "Jecki"I looked down to see her lifeless body.

"Was that its name?" He asked.

I looked at him "she was a child"

"You brought her here." Then he grabs Mae as I go to attack him but he blocks my moves "you attack me while my back was turned? Not very Jedi of you."

I had no other choice but to turn off my lightsaber and threw it. "What are you?"

"I have no name" he said "but the Jedi like you might call me... Sith."

"Why risk discovery?" I asked.

"Well I.. I did wear a mask"

"What do you want?"

"Freedom. The freedom to weild my power the way I like without having to answer to Jedi like you.i want a pupil, an acolyte. But this one" he points to Mae "went back on our deal she exposed me so now I have to kill every single last one of you. I don't make the rules. The Jedi do. And the Jedi say I can't exist. They see my face and they all die" I looked at her as she looks scared
"aww look at you two right back where it all started" Then out of nowhere yord tried attacking him but killed him on the spot and sol attacks but punches him and takes out his lightsaber to kill him but stops when osha calls his name. "OSHA this is your master?" He points at sol "you trust them after everything they did to you"

"His mind is twisted by darkness" sol said.

"I've accepted my darknes what have you done with yours?"

He backs away when all the sudden osha had a plan to take him down.

I put my hand on sols shoulder "the Jedi do not attack the unharmed"

The man gets up "rules rules rules. If you never follow Them you never have to break them"

Then osha dis her thing as bugs came and got him.
"Why did he say that?" OSHA asked me "why did he say I shoudnt trust any of you. What did you guys do?"

Sol and I looked at each other "osha" I said "T'll explain when all the sudden I blacked out.

When I woke up. I groaned in pain when I saw SOL laying there I went out to him and helped him up.

"What happened?" He asked.

"We got stunned" I said holding his face "are you all right?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm fine"

Then we see osha coming telling us Mae is gone. But we get back to the ship and head to corusant.

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