Clone wars S2Ep13

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Today Obiwan, anakin and I are Planning to help saltine. Obiwans childhood friend from mandalore. Obiwan told us that she wants nothing to do with war but he told her otherwise so we're preparing for her defence against the foes. From the death watch.

"You know you marching orders the safety of the duchess satine is of the outmost importance. The death watch will stop at nothing to assassinate her before she pleads her case to the senate" obi wan explains.

"The death watch may be backed by the separatists, so stay sharp." Anakin adds

"Artoo, use your scanners to the prob for any suspicious droid activity" I ordered artoo as he beeps.

"Anything else sir" Rex asked Obiwan.

"No, that will be all" obi wan says as all troopers but Cody and Rex left. Then we heard a beep from Obiwans com link "yes"

"The douchess and her retinue request you're presence"

"Very well" then the five of us goes on the elevator.

I fell that obi wan is felling very strange I know he friends with her and worried about her at the same time. "I sense some anxiety from you about the douchess" I said to Obiwan "she couldn't be in safer hands"

"Yes I know" he responds.

"Then why..."

"Never mind it's all in the past"

"Oh so you're close to her?" Anakin asked

"I knew her along time ago." Obi wan answered.

As we entered to see the douchess she was talking about how we should stay neutral in the war.

Obi wan responds "and yet some might argue that the strongest defence is a swift and decisive offence" we walked up to her.

She does not look amused for a second with him "you are quite the general now aren't you master kenobi?" She asked sarcastically.

"Forgive mr for interrupting, you highness. I meant no disrespect" how he's being sarcastic. Wow.

"Really? Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the collection of half truths hyperbole known as obi wan kenobi?" She introduced kenobi to everyone.

"You're highnesses is too kind"

"You're Right I am"

"Allow me to introduce two of my fellow Jedis, anakin skywalker." Obiwan introduces anakin as he bows.

"Your servant, my lady."

"And y/n y/l/n"

I bowed "at your service"

She looks at us then she grabs her dink "I remember a time when Jedi were not generals or commanders but peacekeepers."

"We are protectors, highness" anakin said to her

"Yours at the moment, we fight for peace" I add.

The duchess chuckles "what an amusing contradiction."

" what master skywalker and master wise means is that we are active at the behests of your highness to protect you from the death watch and the separatists who don't share your neutral point of view"

"I asked for no such thing" she tells him

"That maybe so, but the majority of your court did" he argued

I leaned in to anakin and wispered "is it me, or do they act like us when were in an argument?"

"I don't know but I'm sure they have many disagreements that could last all day" he responds in a wispers.

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