The story begins in a billionaire's mansion.

The mansion Named The Golden Villa. Vaishnavi is owner of this house. So let's go in.

Everyone is running here and there in the Villa, the mansion manager runs to the guest rooms.

Manager knocks the door of Abhishek's room.

Manager didn't even waited for his permission and he walks inside the room panting and scared.

Manager : sir sir....

Abhishek : what is wrong with you mister sharma, you should at least wait for the permission if you knocks the door.

Abhishek was changing his shirt and he wear a shirt and asked "what happened to him why he is panting"?

Manager : sir, please come with me, vaishnavi mam is fuming in anger, already 3 of the staff members are fired.

Abhishek : again?

Manager : yes sir.

Abhishek went with manager to Vaishnavi's room.

Abhishek knocks the door, when Vaishnavi is shouting on 3 maids present in the room of Vaishnavi.

Abhishek : what happened Vaishnavi mam?

Vaishnavi : abhi, come here... (She is so angry) you take a guarantee of them na that they will work hard and all.

Abhishek : yeah but what happened?

Maid 1 : sir actually....

Vaishnavi : I... Am.. Not.. Done... Yet. (She said with gritted teeth in anger)

Maid remain silent now.

Vaishnavi : I told these idiots to wake me up at 8. And look at the time they wake me up 10 minutes late. (She is hell angry)

Maid 2 : we are really sorry mam, but honestly we are beating the door since 5-10 minutes.

Vaishnavi : 5 or 10? You all are good for nothing, now don't you ever show me your face again, get out of my house. (She said angrily)

Abhishek : calm down mam.

Vaishnavi : you know abhi, I can't compromise with my routine and these...

She takes a deep breath to control her anger.

Abhishek : where is your medicine?

Vaishnavi open the drawer and take a pill.

Stay tuned.

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