Siddharth : yeah thanks mam.

Faisal : you are looking good bro. We were waiting for you only.

Abhishek is looking at Vaishnavi who is staring at Siddharth constantly, except Siddharth every one is observing that.

Jannat : I guess we should leave?

Avneet : yeah of course we should leave, Siddharth come with me "BABY".

She give stress on Baby to make vaishnavi feels that she own him.

Siddharth : okay baby. (Shyly)

Faisal : let's go. Thank you so much mam for everything.

Vaishnavi : it's a pleasure. By the way Siddharth may I know where are you living these days? (She asked curious to know about him)

Abhishek : vaishnavi mam, we have a meeting? (He said in a cold voice but she ignored)

Siddharth told his address to her.

Vaishnavi : okay, soon you will get a better place to live Siddharth don't worry, I will take care of that.

Siddharth : this is really so sweet of you.

Vaishnavi : it's okay, it's our duty to take care of our best employees. Let me know if you have any issue.

No one ever seen this sweet face of vaishnavi ever before not even with Abhishek. She is really so polite and soft spoken for Siddharth.

Avneet : mam, don't worry i take care of him and if he need anything I will help him out.

Siddharth : yeah mam. But thanks for your concern.

Vaishnavi smiled.

Abhishek : vaishnavi mam please can we leave now? We are really getting late.

Vaishnavi : okay see you guys. (Vaishnavi handshake with Siddharth only)

And she left.

Faisal : what was that, am I dreaming? (He said not believing whatever happened)

Jannat : yeah true faisal, what is going on Siddharth?

Siddharth : what happened guys?

Avneet : can't you see what is happening that clingy vaishnavi is trying on you, but why? (She is so irritated with vaishnavi)

Siddharth : are you guys mad, remember na who is she?

Stay tuned

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