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Meanwhile inside the Vanity,

Vaishnavi walks inside and as soon Siddharth seen her reflection in mirror behind him.

He felt so nervous and start buttoning his shirt.

Vaishnavi : I am sorry, I am genuinely sorry yaar, I forgotten about it that you are here (she said in an apologetic tone)

When Vaishnavi is looking at his well toned chest and features making him killer hot.

Vaishnavi : you change I will wait outside.

Siddharth : yeah I just need a minute mam. (He is feeling so shy)

Vaishnavi : yeah you continue by the way you have a such a well mantained body. (She said with a fruitful smile)

Siddharth : thanks mam.

Meanwhile outside of the Vanity bus,

Faisal, Jannat and Avneet were already there when Abhishek also join them.

Abhishek : hey you all, what are you doing here? (He asked little strictly because he knows Vaishnavi didn't like anyone around her Vanity bus)

Faisal : actually sir...

Before he could answer, Vaishnavi came out.

Vaishnavi is surprised seeing all of them here, and little awkward too.

Vaishnavi : what's going on here everyone? (She asked in her regular bossy tone)

Avneet : nothing mam, actually we came here looking for our friend Siddharth, but he must be somewhere inside.

Vaishnavi : wait, he is inside the vanity, he is coming in a minute.

They all were shocked. Avneet is so angry on Vaishnavi, she feels like to kill her right here only.

Avneet (in mind) : It meant I was right she did it intentionally and went inside shamelessly when he must be changing but what is wrong with her.

Abhishek : Siddharth?

Vaishnavi : yeah actually by mistake some drink fallen on his shirt so I offer him to change. (She give explanation to Abhishek as he is looking jealous)

Siddharth came out with white shirt.

Vaishnavi : it's perfect for you, I guessed your size right?

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Vaishnavi : it's perfect for you, I guessed your size right?

Stay tuned

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