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They have a long chit chat now, and then they all get back to their work.

Now avneet and Siddharth starts having conversation regularly, they exchange phone numbers but nobody from them started the country conversation on phone.

Avneet always feels that she is going to the wrong way, when she know she have no future possible with any middle class boy.

And Siddharth didn't have any background, so her father will never get ready for their relationship if they will get serious for each other.

But it's not difficult, it's impossible to ignore Siddharth, every day avneet is feeling that she is falling in love with this boy.

Its a 29th day of Siddharth's job.

After the work hours over, Avneet is going at home. Siddharth also came out from the showroom.

Siddharth : avneet mam!! (Call her from behind)

Avneet : yups.

Siddharth walks to her.

Avneet : how many times I told you Siddharth that you can call me Avneet after work hours, we are friend out of work place. (She said lovingly)

Siddharth : oh yeah, so may I drop you at your home, as its raining today? (Siddharth asked in a loving voice)

But it made Avneet confused.

Avneet : drop me, first of all I have a car siddharth, and secondly will you tell me how you gonna drop me? (She asked with confused expression)

Siddharth : areeee, I am not asking Avneet ji, I am asking you to ask me like this. As I won't find auto today so you should ask me to drop me at my home?

Avneet laughed on this, but that was so cute.

Siddharth : it's not funny.

Avneet : okay so may I drop you?

Siddharth : yeah please.

Avneet : come with me.

Avneet and Siddharth settled in the car. And Avneet drive the car on his guidance to his colony, it's look like a slum area beginning.

Siddharth : stop the car?

Stay tuned.

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