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Abhishek came to her cabin.

Vaishnavi : hii abhi. Good morning my dear bestie. (She said with a smile)

Abhishek : good morning, I guess it was not in schedule to come here and I don't know why we came here today.

Vaishnavi : I was just thinking abhi, that they all are doing so much hard work for us, so if anyone of them is having hard life, we should help them personally. (She said looking at Siddharth)

Abhishek : why everyone then vaishnavi, say it clearly na that you want to do it for that guy Siddharth? (He said in angry tone)

Vaishnavi looked into Abhishek's eyes, it's clearly filled with jealousy.

Vaishnavi : what happened to you now?

Abhishek : you know what happened to me, what is your problem vaishnavi, what is that special in that Siddharth?

Vaishnavi : abhi, you are having some misunderstanding.

Abhishek : shut up yaar, I am not in mood to talk to you seriously. And yeah bring him in your mansion only na if you want him always in front of your eyes.

Vaishnavi anger switch up.

Vaishnavi : yeah sure within few days I will do that only, and you are no one to stop me, got it. (She said it angrily)

Abhishek : yeah right who am I now?

Abhishek left in anger. And Amandeep uncle arrives to meet vaishnavi.

Amandeep uncle : good morning mam, may I come in please?

Vaishnavi : mister nandra I am not in mood to talk to anyone so please leave. (She said angrily)

Amandeep uncle : okay mam sorry.

Uncle thought to go and meet Avneet, when Avneet is having argument with Siddharth.

Siddharth is not ready to accept that vaishnavi is hitting on her.

When, Amandeep uncle joined the conversation.

Amandeep uncle : what is happening here?

Avneet : nothing dad.

Amandeep uncle : what is your problem mister, what do you think of yourself?

Stay tuned

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