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Her father walked to her angrily. He saw all that happening here. So he is really so angry.

He watched that Avneet, his daughter was insisting the boy so he can't blame him directly.

Her father : what is going on here Avneet? (He said in loud angry tone of voice).

Jannat : let me tell you uncle, it was not her fault actually....

Her father : I am sorry Jannat beta, but right now I am talking to Avneet. So answer me.

Avneet : actually papa, we were... (She stopped, as she have nothing to say after he watched)

Her father : and you mister, who the bloody hell are you? (Angrily)

Avneet : papa, it's not his fault, he was not even ready to do anything like this, it was me who insist him. (She took blame on her head).

Siddharth : no, actually uncle.

Her father : I am not your uncle, call me sir, I don't know you mister and even I am not interested to know you so take it as my first and last warning stay away from my daughter.

Her father angrily give him a warning. And hold Avneet's hand to take her with him.

Avneet (softly) : I am sorry.

Her father : Avneet.... (Angrily)

Avneet followed her father and they left mall. And he make her sit in his car and they left for residence.

He order driver to bring her car.

Her father : I thought that I will surprise you with the gift but thank god I reached at right place at right time. (He is really so angry right now)

Avneet : papa, at least give me one chance to explain my point. (She asked for a chance with tearful eyes)

Her father : we will talk everything at home now so just keep quiet.

Avneet remain silent now.

Stay tuned.

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