Siddharth : wait...

Siddharth bring his bag, lock his house and come to her car and sit.

Avneet : so good morning mister nigam.

Siddharth : good morning but may I know that what are you doing here?

Avneet : are you become Ghajini, I just told you that I came to pick you. (Said so lovingly in a friendly tone)

Siddharth : yes I remember that you told me but I also remember that now your home is nearer than mine, so why you came at wrong path?

Avneet : any path which bring me to you is right for me. (Said it straight forward)

Siddharth : what?

Avneet : I said it's okay, we are friends and it takes time to find bus and all so it's a good idea I guess if we go together. It saves fuel. (Avneet gaves a very stupid excuse)

Siddharth : ha ha ha. (He laughed sarcastically)

Avneet : why are you laughing on me now.

Siddharth : because the person is using a car with 10 km per little fuel is talking about saving fuel, great. (He taunts)

Avneet : haww, I came here to pick you and you taunting me. Cruel world. (Saids so dramatically)

Siddharth : I am sorry I didn't mean it.

Avneet : hmm.

Siddharth : by the way I want to talk to you something very important?

Avneet : yeah say what happened?

Siddharth : we should think about love life?

Avneet immediately paddles a break with full pressure jerk them hard.

She is hell shocked.

(That's why guys always use seat belts -
Janhit me Jaari)

Siddharth : what was that?

Avneet : I am sorry, but I didn't know that you felt the same.

Siddharth : it's obvious, love is visible on their faces, they just don't confess to each other.

Avneet : about whom you are talking about?

Siddharth : Jannat and Faisal.

Avneet : oh.

Siddharth : what did you thought?

Avneet : nothing.

Stay tuned

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