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Vaishnavi : tell me one thing honestly.

Siddharth : what?

Vaishnavi : do you like this girl Avneet?

Siddharth nodded with hard blush on his face.

Vaishnavi : I guess the answer is yes.

Siddharth nodded.

Vaishnavi : Siddharth, now your lifestyle changed completely, do you still want to continue with your past life choices? (She said in offering tone)

Siddharth : she is not a thing didi, I am sorry to say I wish all this luxury with her, there is no future I imagined without her.

Vaishnavi patted on his cheeks.

Vaishnavi : meant my little brother is seriously in love.

Siddharth : yes.

Vaishnavi : sure na?

Siddharth : yes.

Vaishnavi : uhm.... Okay I will talk to her parents.

Siddharth : for? (he get so happy)

Vaishnavi : you are right what you are thinking. You wanna make her your future na so that will be the right way. (He blushingly smiled)

Siddharth : thank you so much didi. (He hesitatedly hugs her, Vaishnavi hugs her back)

Vaishnavi : your smile worth the whole universe for me siddharth, I will give you all the happiness of this world. (She said being a perfect sister)

Siddharth : thank you didi.

Vaishnavi : but now, you should come with me and let's go for a shopping today.

Siddharth : okay, I will be ready in 10 minutes.

Vaishnavi : okay.

Vaishnavi came out and calls her manager.

Manager : yes mam.

Vaishnavi : Avneet kaur.... Find every single detail about her family, or everything about her past and present everything. Wherever she go, whatever she do I want every single detail about her. (She said in an overthinking tone of voice)

Manager : as you say mam!!

Vaishnavi : hurry up.

Manager left to collect information about Avneet and her family. All the information came to her about her is that she loves siddharth and her family is so loyal to Pride business.

Stay tuned.

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