Abhishek turned towards all the household workers present in the room.

Abhishek : now what are watching, just go and do your work and remember if I get complain again I will not gonna save you then... Get lost. (Said with a fake anger to save them from vaishnavi's anger)

Vaishnavi is taking deep breathes to control her blood pressure.

Abhishek : you know na vaishnavi, this anger is not good for your health. I am really sorry to say but there was nothing big to make this big issue.

Vaishnavi : hmm I know, but you know me well, abhi, I am short tempered. (Vaishnavi said getting up from bed, wearing her slippers)

Abhishek : I can understand all what happened in your past.....

Vaishnavi cuts in the middle.

Vaishnavi : I don't want to remember that again and again, please make my today's appointment list ready, I guess today I have a meeting with Mister Williams.

Abhishek : yeah, Mr Williams already reached the India early morning, he is resting in the hotel and will reach in meeting sharp at 11.

Vaishnavi : okay.

Abhishek : you get ready I will wait for you on breakfast table.

Vaishnavi : hmm

Abhishek is about to left.

Vaishnavi : listen...

Abhishek turned.

Abhishek : you need anything?

Vaishnavi : no I just wanna thank you to always be there with me whenever I needed.

Abhishek smiled.

Abhishek : your always welcome, miss Pride of India.

Vaishnavi smile back.

She collect her clothes from wardrobe and went to bathroom to have a shower, within 30 minutes she appear on a dining table.


Everyone is maintaining distance from Vaishnavi because she is looking angry today.

Abhishek : here is your breakfast madam. (He opens the dishes for vaishnavi)

Vaishnavi : why are you doing this abhi, where is the staff.

Vaishnavi shouts angrily to call them.

Abhishek : vaishnavi, I told them that I will serve you today.

Stay tuned.

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