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Avneet discuss this plan with Yesha and Yesha understand that how she can help her sister in this situation.

Yesha : you just bring me to Abhishek, I promise that I make sure that Vaishnavi mam will feel jealous of us.

Avneet : yeah didi, but be careful, you know Vaishnavi mam. Right!!

Yesha : yeah, that's why, talk to Siddharth before making any plan because he can control his sister's anger.

Avneet : don't worry, I will talk to him after all you are doing this for us!!

Yesha : it's okay my dear sis, anything for you!!

Avneet : so see you tomorrow didi. Abhishek Sir, and Mam will come tomorrow to Delhi's showroom so we have great chance for tomorrow only.

Yesha : okay done.

Next day,

Avneet and Siddharth are ready with plan.

At 11:00 Am,

Abhishek and Vaishnavi reached the Delhi Showroom normally, Siddharth and Avneet are already on their works.

Vaishnavi entered. Abhishek followed as always.

Avneet came ahead to greet her.

Avneet : good morning mam.

Vaishnavi : didi!!

Avneet : yeah, good morning didi.

Vaishnavi : good morning my darling. How are you?

Avneet : I am good didi.

Abhishek : Avneet, we are going for some shopping today so handover your work to someone and call uncle aunt to mall.

Avneet : okay sir, but didi if my sister join us I hope you won't mind!!

Vaishnavi : of course not, why would I mind?

Avneet : thanks didi.

Vaishnavi : okay you guys talk, I will ask Siddharth to come.

Avneet : yes didi.

Avneet notice that Abhishek is watching at Vaishnavi, the love is visible in his eyes for Vaishnavi.

Avneet : sir...

Abhishek : yes.

Avneet : you know, my sister knows you personally?

Abhishek : how?

Avneet : you and My didi Yesha was in same batch?

Abhishek : uhm... I am sorry but I didn't remember her.

Stay tuned.

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