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Siddharth joined the conversation, but right now he is not open up with Vaishnavi at all.

He knows that Vaishnavi is her own blood sibling. And it really gave him inner satisfaction that he have any of his family member alive.

Vaishnavi orders to arrange his stuff in her room.

Abhishek : welcome to this house, brother. (He said with handshake)

Vaishnavi : let me correct, welcome to your house Siddharth. (She said so lovingly).

Abhishek : okay you brother sister talk with each other, till then I will arrange food. By the way what do you like Siddharth?

Siddharth is hesitated a lot, this luxury is not easy to digest this easily.

Vaishnavi : what happened siddharth, you can tell me whatever you like to eat, I promise you get whatever you wish. (She said holding his hand lovingly to make him feel comfortable here)

Siddharth : anything but veg!!

Vaishnavi : don't you eat non veg?

Siddharth : I never ate. I am vegetarian. Do you eat didi?

Vaishnavi : awwhh, I am just dying to hear this from you. And from now I am vegetarian too. Everything in this home will happen according to choice of my little baby now.

Siddharth smiled a bit.

Vaishnavi : come I show you your child hood pics, unfortunately your sister have only two three pics with you. (Teary eyes)

Siddharth : we can click now.

Vaishnavi : hm.

Vaishnavi and Siddharth went to her room.

Vaishnavi arrange everything best in his room for his comfort.

Vaishnavi shows family album to him. Seeing pictures of his family, he kissed their photos and cried for a while.


Vaishnavi starts asking about his likes, dislikes, hobbies and all his life what he spent without her.

Siddharth also shared everything with her, the blood is always the biggest connection between two humans hence proved here.

Vaishnavi just wants to see him happy now.

Stay tuned

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