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Siddharth : I am not understanding Avneet, what are you talking about? (Siddharth take out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat even after AC is full)

Avneet : siddharth, I can't hold myself anymore, I know I should stop myself but this is something beyond my control.

Siddharth : what? (He is nervous)

Avneet hold his hand place it on the left side on her chest.

Avneet : just feel what this hearts want?

Siddharth gulped in nervousness again. He can feel that her heart beat is really running so fast.

Siddharth : calm down, Avneet, your heart beat is racing so faster. (He said in concern)

Avneet : it's normal siddharth, whenever you come closer to me my heart understand that my body wants more blood to move my body. (She said deeply lost in love)

Siddharth : okay but this is wrong, isn't it?

Avneet hold his hand place it on her head.

Avneet : just say it once that you don't feel anything for me, I swear to my love for you I won't do anything make you feel awkward then. (She said it crazily)

Siddharth : uhm... (His face turned red, because he is falling in love for her from day 1).

Avneet : say it siddharth. 🥺🥺🥺 I am ready for heart break too.

Siddharth hugs her tightly.

Siddharth : I can't lie.

Avneet : I love you. (Hugging him back)

Siddharth : I love you too. But this is not right we have no match Avneet.

Avneet : I don't care I love you madly I just know this, if you love me back I will fight for us. (She sounds madly in love)

Avneet hand take a hold behind his neck. Siddharth can feel that where this situation gonna lead them now.

She kissed him on his neck moving to his face, slowly loosing grip of hug.

Stay tuned.

So my dear innocent reader's do you want them to kiss?

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