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Faisal : didn't you went to watch showroom, am I wrong?

Siddharth : to be honest yes, I went to ask them that how much it cost and I promise you Avneet that one day I gift you this watch for sure, but I want little time. (He said cupping her face with love and tears in his eyes).

Avneet wipe his tears and hug him tightly.

Jannat : what happened to you?

Avneet : yeah why are you crying, you know what you are the best gift of life and believe me when I say it. I never wish something more than you. Since you came to my life, all I want is your happiness. (She said so lovingly)

Siddharth : I also want to make you smile. (He said with teary eyes)

Avneet offers her cheek to him.

Avneet : give me a kiss then.

Faisal : yeah that's great idea you should do it Siddharth. (He cheer for him)

Jannat : I am agreed.

Avneet : so give me a kiss.

Siddharth : uhmm. (Feeling shy because they are in public place)

Faisal : do it Siddharth, don't ruin this moment believe me such kinda moments become memorable in life for forever.

Jannat : yeah Siddharth, okay let us close our eyes then do it. (Said more teasingly)

Avneet : I am waiting yaar Siddharth. I am yours na, can't you give me a kiss. 🥺🥺🥺 (said with puppy face)

Siddharth : okay wait. (He takes a deep breath).

He planted a soft kiss on her cheek and avneet immediately kiss him back on his cheek.

Faisal : that was really cute.

Jannat : yups. You two are really made for each other.

Avneet : I love you Siddharth.

Suddenly, a voice came all the way unexpectedly from behind them.

Her father saw it all.

Her father : Avneet.... (Angrily).

Avneet : Papa. (Shocked and nervous)

Stay tuned.

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