Amandeep uncle : I am telling you again, you are nothing okay nothing means nothing. Poor lad. (Her father vent all the frustration of not get a chance to meet vaishnavi on siddharth)

Siddharth : uncle I respect you like my own father.

Amandeep uncle : do you even know who is your father? (It's so offensive now)

Avneet : papa. (She take a stand but it's too late)

Siddharth : uncle... (Angrily) you have no right to say anything against my parents. Get this thing very clear.

Amandeep uncle pushed him hard. And his elbow hits a car headlight, and the mirror of the car headlight injured his hand not too much. But a bit.

His wrist starts bleeding.

Amandeep uncle felt sorry immediately as he have no intention to harm him.

Siddharth : it's okay I am fine.

Avneet : we should go to the doctor. (With tearful eyes)

Siddharth : Avneet, don't cry yaar I am fine. (He is worried seeing her tears more)

Avneet went ahead first and later uncle, Jannat and Faisal came there too.

Vaishnavi came there too.

Vaishnavi : what's going on here?

She immediately notice that siddharth's hand is bleeding.

Vaishnavi : what happened to you?

Siddharth : I slipped mam, sorry because of me this car's headlight broken.

Avneet : mam, can we bring him to the doctor.

Vaishnavi : you all stay here, Siddharth come with me.

Siddharth : but mam.

Vaishnavi : shut up and come with me.

Avneet : I will also come.

Vaishnavi : I can take care of him. Okay? Do your work. (Strictly).

She bring him to doctor, but now Siddharth can feel the same that Vaishnavi is being over possessive for him.

Amandeep uncle : I am sorry, I didn't want to harm him.

Avneet : but you did papa, I am not talking to you and this vaishnavi is screwing my life too. I hate her.

Amandeep uncle : don't say this, she is our boss avneet.

Avneet : I don't care. I am going to hospital.

Stay tuned.

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