Avneet : even I am sorry mam for everything. Actually, I love....

Vaishnavi didn't gave her a chance to justify herself.

Vaishnavi : Siddharth, now you should come with me. And I guess now no one here will have pain in their stomachs if I bring him with me.

No one said anything in reply.

Vaishnavi hold his hand, and they walk out of the showroom.

Abhishek followed them too.


Jannat : I really feeling so dizzy right now I can't digest it whatever happened today. (It's really difficult for everyone here)

Faisal : yeah, I am still feeling like I am dreaming.

Avneet : guys, it is truth. But yaar it's messed up for me.

Jannat : why? You should be happy for siddharth, Avneet. He got his sister and that too Vaishnavi mam. She is brother of most richest business personality of world.

Faisal : by the way I always felt that Siddharth deserve all the happiness in the world. And see now he can get all this.

Avneet : hmm.

Jannat : what happened to you?

Avneet : nothing. (She isn't seems happy at all)

Faisal : you should be happy, Siddharth is Vaishnavi mam's brother. So of course your father will like him now. (He said smiling, and happily)

Avneet : of course my father will like him now, but Vaishnavi mam will never like me now.

Jannat : but siddharth loves you.

Avneet : I know, he loves me. But I argue with Vaishnavi mam. She won't forgive me 🙇 this soon.

Faisal : you are thinking too much I guess you should give this news to your father first.

Jannat : yes, this is time to celebrate for our friend's happiness.

Avneet : I am not in mood yaar.

Avneet walks to her cabin.

Jannat : she is thinking too much.

Faisal : but not wrong. She is right at her place.

Stay tuned

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