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Avneet (in mind) : it's definitely not the first time someone hugged me but he is different from everyone else he makes me set on fire always.

What are you waiting for Avneet, you should also hug him back.

Uhm.... I am really feeling so shy and feeling like I am going to the wrong way as no future possible together.


Siddharth thought that in the heat of the moment, he cross his line and he should not hug her.

Just because, she didn't hugged him back he thought that he didn't even accepted the way he hugs her.

Avneet arms slowly getting in the action to wrap him into her arms when siddharth get apart from her.

With "SORRY"

Siddharth : I am sorry, I really felt so loving so in that I crossed my line.

Avneet remain silent and feels like she get late to make that moment beautiful and longer.

Avneet just smiled in return.

Siddharth : still... I am sorry.

Avneet : I told you na that friends can hug. It's completely okay. (Said in a cheerful tone)

Siddharth : Faisal sir and Jannat mam must be in the way, I should make some preparation when I call them on dinner.

Avneet : yups, you go and bring some packets of noodles, we will cook them for us.

Siddharth : okay.

Avneet went to the kitchen, she helped him the best she can do, adjust the kitchen for him.

Jannat and Faisal reached there before he came back with the noodles packets.

Siddharth : sorry I get late.

Avneet : it's okay they just arrived.

Jannat went to kitchen with Avneet.

Siddharth : let me cook.

Jannat : it's okay we two will cook, you two enjoy today and yeah don't make it pattern next time you two have to cook for us.

Siddharth : sure mam.

Avneet : okay we will back in few minutes then you talk.

Stay tuned.

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