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Avneet : it's okay bhaiya, I can understand how can you remember them, you must know 100 girls everyday.

Abhishek : hmm, we are in job like this na. And it's been long time I finished my college.

Avneet : yeah.

Their discussion ends, and along with Siddharth they reached the biggest Mall of city, which owned by Vaishnavi only.

So, the whole mall is made vacant for them today.

The Mall manager came to welcome them.

As soon they entered, Avneet recieved a call.

Yesha reached the main entrance but gaurds stopped her there.

Avneet : didi, my sister arrived??

Vaishnavi : okay go and bring him in!!

They are checking for Lehengas here.

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Avneet came back with Yesha

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Avneet came back with Yesha.

Yesha went to Siddharth and Vaishnavi first.

Yesha : hello jiju.

Siddharth : hii

Vaishnavi : welcome.

Yesha : it's really like a dream madam that I am standing in front of you.

Vaishnavi : you are family, if you Avneet's sister so don't be so formal.

Vaishnavi hugs her warmly.

Then at last, she moved to Abhishek.

Abhishek immediately recognized her.

Abhishek : Yesha rughani? (With a smile)

Vaishnavi didn't know that how Abhishek knows her and he didn't liked it at all.

Yesha : hii, Abhishek sir, you became a big men yaar. Sorry... I mean..

Abhishek : you can call it bro, how are you? After a very very very long time.

Yesha : true.

Yesha hugs him, Abhishek felt little awkward but seeing avneet he hugged her back.

Avneet : it's so good that you two are friends.

Yesha : yeah.

Vaishnavi : I don't get it how do you two know each other? (A bit jelousy already came on her face but right now she said that with a smile)

Abhishek : she was with me in college in same batch.

Avneet : yes, and didi told me you used to flirt with each other that time.

Abhishek gave a confused look because he never flirt with any girl.

Stay tuned.

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