Siddharth : what are you talking mam, this is not a joke, you can't make fun of my life like this. (Siddharth can't believe it)

Vaishnavi : Its a truth, Siddharth. Read this DNA report.

Avneet : may I read it.

Siddharth handed over the DNA report to Avneet, and their is clearly mentioned that Blood sample of Siddharth and Vaishnavi matched.

Vaishnavi got his blood sample yesterday in hospital.

Avneet : but how is it possible, Siddharth...

Vaishnavi : shhh... Siddharth I will explain you everything, you come with me. (She hold his hand and bring him to her cabin)

Avneet followed them. Abhishek, Faisal and Jannat too get permission to stay there.

Siddharth : I really can't understand, am I dreaming or what? (He is damn confused, he can't believe it that he wake up this morning as a middle class boy, and now the one of the world's richest business personality claiming him her brother)

Vaishnavi : even I didn't believed it. But I get reasons one by one. Wait... I show you.

Vaishnavi open her table's drawer and give a picture of Siddharth of his childhood to him.

Siddharth : what is this?

Siddharth : what is this?

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Vaishnavi : you know how you have a tattoo on your chest?

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Vaishnavi : you know how you have a tattoo on your chest?

Siddharth : I don't know, I have this from childhood.

Vaishnavi : our father also had a same tattoo, it's a family tradition for us, so when you are two years old, you had this tattoo. (Vaishnavi stated with all the love she have for her brother)

Siddharth : so that party day, you wanna see this tattoo.

Vaishnavi nodded.

Siddharth is shocked like hell.

Siddharth : but I grown up in shelter home, and someone named Ashok singh left me there.

Vaishnavi : Siddharth, Ashok singh is mumma's brother (mama). After mom dad, he thought that all the business will transfer on your name so he kidnapped you and told us that you are no more.

Stay tuned

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