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Purohit ji is reading the kundali's of Siddharth and Avneet, both Avneet and Siddharth are feeling so worried and nervous.

They didn't know what will come back in response and they know whatever they will say will be followed.

Vaishnavi : what happened purohit ji?

Purohit ji : nothing, they are really made for each other Vaishnavi, your brother got his soul mate.

Siddharth smiled at Avneet.

Avneet blushed hard when Vaishnavi side hugs her.

Vaishnavi : I am proud of his choice purohit ji.

Siddharth smiled to her.

Purohit ji : but being your family purohit and like your grandfather, I suggest you to get married first, you are his elder sister so you should get married before him.

Vaishnavi : me.... No purohit ji, I am ready for marriage right now.

Purohit ji : I just adviced you whatever is good for you, rest is your and God's choice.

Vaishnavi : uhm.... I can understand purohit ji but....

Siddharth : didi, you should get married first, I and Avneet can wait for sometime you stood for us that is the biggest thing for us.

Avneet : yes mam.

Vaishnavi : call me didi now?

Avneet smiled.

Siddharth : so didi, you should think for your wedding first?

Purohit ji : yeah vaishnavi, this will give your family a Stability.

Vaishnavi : but purohit ji, how will I get married like in a snap moment, I need to think.

Avneet : you can take your time didi. We will wait.

Siddharth : yes didi.

Purohit ji : yeah better, till then we can make a ritual. Siddharth take this chain and make her wear this.

Siddharth looked at vaishnavi.

Vaishnavi took permission from her family.

Avneet is so happy internally.

Siddharth took a neck chain and make her wear this.

Purohit ji : so now, Avneet kaur nandra is your commitment. Soon we will decide a good date and you two will be forever together.

Stay tuned

Happy to announce 100 chapters of this book as well.

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