Avneet : what is wrong with you Jannat I was talking with him!! (She said in an irritated tone)

Jannat : I know this very well that you was talking to him that's why I bring you out.

Avneet : but why?

Faisal : I am sorry to say Avneet, Jannat is right but you can't love siddharth.

Avneet : Yaar I know my father won't allow me, but I am Falling for him, I can't stop my feelings to flow in my blood.

Jannat : so what do you mean by this?

Avneet : I don't know but I like him. (She said straight forward) and within few days only I will confess my love to him and propose him.

Faisal : are you gone mad or what, you know this is not possible. When you know that there is no future between you and Siddharth why you want to give a try. (He said suggesting her)

Avneet : because I don't want to regret later that I didn't even try to get my first love in my life. (Sounds crazy in love)

Jannat : what happened to you Avneet, all of sudden how can you go crazy for him.

Avneet : nothing is sudden, it's a feeling I am suppressing from 3 weeks, I need it to come out now. I love him.

Faisal : so according to you what you gonna do?

Avneet : I don't know yaar, I really don't know, it is really so complicated I know that. But even if I am gonna marry someone else I want to spend time with Siddharth.

Jannat : okay got it the plan is that you will break his heart.

Avneet : what rubbish.... No, I love him.

Jannat : listen Avneet, you can't keep your feelings further having no future, it doesn't make sense that you will marry someone else after loving someone else.

Stay tuned.

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