Siddharth have nothing in his mind when Jannat and Avneet is discussing it on phone call.

Avneet : I don't know what God wants from me, I got a little happiness when my father told me that I can be friend with me and later this unexpected thing happened.

Jannat : I can understand yaar that what you must be feeling right now?

Avneet : the biggest issue is I don't know why, Vaishnavi mam is doing this?

Jannat : I guess, I have an idea.

Avneet : what?

Jannat : in a recent interview when interviewer asked Vaishnavi mam that what kinda life partner she wants? She replied that she is into innocent boys.

Avneet : you mean, she is hitting on Siddharth because he is innocent.

Jannat : of course yes, and Vaishnavi Rao is blue whale and we are those small gold fishes, we can't even imagine to stand against her.

Avneet : I know, she is just thinking to use Siddharth's innocence and I will not let her do anything like this. 😤🤬

Jannat : calm down Avneet. We will sort it out somehow.

Avneet : hmm

Jannat : now you sleep and don't think about it.

Avneet : hmm.

Jannat : good night.

Avneet : good night.

Jannat disconnected the call.

Avneet went to her bed but she had no sleep for tonight.

Three days passed away,

Now they are overcoming from the event day, because Vaishnavi wasn't in India from last three days.

But today she came back.

And she rarely go to visit any showroom, but today she came to Delhi's showroom.

She met everyone with smile today, and especially Siddharth.

Just because her sweet behavior with him, Siddharth is not able to think and listen anything wrong against Vaishnavi.

They all get back to work and Vaishnavi is looking at siddharth from her Cabin making Avneet feel so angry.

Stay tuned.

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