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Siddharth came on the stage with a smile, after 15 days he get a reason to smile.

He walks to Abhishek. And there is something shocking happening.

After all the awards already given by Abhishek, Vaishnavi came to give an award to Siddharth even Abhishek find it so weird.

Vaishnavi : congratulations Siddharth nigam. (With a wide smile and no one ever see this big smile on her face in years)

Abhishek is even noticing the same and that is making him feel jealous.

Jannat and Faisal is talking about the same.

Vaishnavi : keep it boy, one day you will have everything in your life.

Siddharth : when this compliment came from you it meant a lot.

Vaishnavi smiled and shake hand with him.

Siddharth came back to his seat. It's clear now that Vaishnavi is biased in the matter of Siddharth, why only she knows.

Abhishek have complains too with this.

After all the awards being distributed, the dinner started, Siddharth, Jannat and Faisal went and take a seat together for dinner.

When Avneet came to congratulate Jannat, and her father followed and congratulate Siddharth and Jannat both.

Amandeep uncle : you two did so good and you are so lucky Siddharth that you got award from Vaishnavi mam there is something must be special in you.

Siddharth smiled, he feels that is the real award. Avneet is feeling so happy too.

Avneet : papa, may I sit with them here please?

Amandeep uncle : yes sure. And I am sorry Siddharth beta. You two can be friends but just friends. (He said sweetly with smile)

Siddharth : thank you uncle.

She hugged uncle.

Avneet : you are the best dad in the world.

Then she hugged Siddharth.

Amandeep uncle : Avneet, i just said friends only. (This time little teasingly)

Avneet : okay dad I will take care of this.

She sat besides Siddharth.

Stay tuned

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