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Avneet feels that Faisal and Jannat are right, that she will insult her on stage and prove her a gold digger in front of everyone.

The shiver ran down in her body.

But immediately, siddharth hold her hand and gave her assurance that if it's needed he will stand for her even against his sister today.

Siddharth : what do you mean didi? That she was working? (He asked in low tone)

Vaishnavi : my baby, now she is gonna be owner na.

One more shocking news cracked by Vaishnavi.

Vaishnavi : Avneet, do you love siddharth?

Avneet nodded.

Vaishnavi : and siddharth?

Siddharth : yes.

Vaishnavi : so siddharth, won't you propose her properly once, her parents are here too, ask her from them once. (She said with a teasing smile)

Avneet : mam, are you serious?

Vaishnavi : yes I am, but I want you two to get married.

This is the best thing can happen for both Siddharth and Avneet.

They both blush hard.

Vaishnavi : Mister and Mrs Nandra please join us on the stage.

Aman uncle and Sonia aunty came on the stage.

Vaishnavi : siddharth go on, take permission from her parents first before proposing her.

Siddharth is feeling so nervous and hesitated.

Vaishnavi : hey god!! You two just stand here and blush.

Siddharth blush more harder, both of them standing and blushing 😳.

Vaishnavi : so from my brother's side, I ask you for your daughter Mister Nandra, she is my brother's happiness and I assure you, my brother will always keep her smiling. (She asked for a relationship permission)

Aman uncle : mam, I don't have words, I am really so grateful to my God that I am even standing in front of you. So if my daughter could be part of your family, who will more happy than me.

Vaishnavi : means it's yes.

Aman uncle nodded.

Stay tuned.

Get ready for proposal

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